Have plm studying the ASTB? Read this. Have advice abt ASTB? Read and Post on this.
First, some info about me. I'm male and just turned 29.
I have a BS in Technical Management with a GPA of 2.7 :icon_rage and graduated 2006.
I took 1 semester (just 2 classes) towards an MBA and got a 2.2

Employers: Various IT jobs in the last 10 years, lots of Customer Service, but mostly in IT related fields.
Extracurricular: Just regular maintenance exercises.
LoR: Just a few, maybe.
I got an email from a recuriter, and he replied with the packet. I am currently just planning to take the ASTB for Navy OCS. I've found the posts here very helpful for my taking the ASTB.
First of all, I'm not planning to be an aviator, due to the fact I know my vision (600/650, I wear contacts all the time) would not pass any test they give me. I do feel that learning to fly is a great, fun, and challenging skill for anyone to learn. If possible, I wouldn't mind learning to fly ANYTHING. I dreamed of being that top notch pilot as a kid, but I guess that has to go down the drain. Those with perfect vision are given a great opportunity, I guess.
Here's what I've been doing:
ASTB PREP TEST: I've been studying so that I can
answer AND explain every answer. I know that this isn't practical for taking the test (which is timed), but at least I would LIMIT the amount of unfamiliar questions that I would be confronted with on the test. Limiting the amount of unfamiliar questions is what I have been focusing on.
READING AN OLD MATH POWER BOOK: Has a complete review of math. Great Reference.
ASTB SAMPLE QUESTIONS PACKET: Answered every question and can explain most of them. Will go back to the others later.
MARINE AVIATION GUIDE EBOOK SUPPLEMENT: Planning to read, haven't gotten to yet.
BARRON'S OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL BOOK: Got the book from the library, haven't had the time to take the questions and study.
A BUNCH OF LIBRARY ASVB BOOKS: Seconday reading material.
COLUMBIA SITE: Been browsing, but still stuck on the ASTB Prep test.
HTTP://WWW.NAVY-OFFICER.COM/: Again, still studying.
PILOTS HANDBOOK: Would like to read.
RECREATION: Play brain games on my phone. And watch movies.
HERE'S THE PROBLEM: I need help in studying. I always start, but then get either too bored and fall right to sleep for 30-120 mins reading the material, or stuck for too long on a particular question. Outside the home, I get too distracted. For the ASTB, anyone know of any recreational online flash games that include complicated ASTB questions (which would help). Working with a partner would help of course, but every human I know is either too busy, too far away, too lazy, or just doesn't have the discipline to help for a long period of time, but as of now, all I got is the internet. I know I should be able to do this myself, and over time, I can, but with help this would be FASTER. I'm not even working right now so I can focus on this. (I'll work again AFTER I take the ASTB.)
WHAT COULD HELP: Other than a decent human being? All I got is the internet. I'm still searching and reading all the links on the site. I couldn't find info on any score that I would need, given my borderline GPAs. Knowing the needed score is also important so I could focus what I need to study on. Most of the stuff I have been reading is stuff I USED TO KNOW AND WAS GOOD AT, but disappeared over time. My recruiter told me that I would probably be in Intel. Also, any printable study guides or advice from those that studied the ASTB by themselves would help. And if there are any printable explanations on the ASTB Prep Test questions, please post. I'm making one right now, BTW. I probably need a classroom environment and will look for one too.
And if u got bored reading this, don't find this stimulating enough, unable to relate, too frustrated at the post, or would rather read something else, don't worry, I understand. THAT IS THE PROBLEM THOUGH.