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Average NSS score range for aircraft selection


Naval Aviator
That’s what I meant thanks.
An important adage you'll hear about check rides is that they're "just another flight." Your check ride isn't happening in a vacuum - the IP looked at your gradesheets at a minimum and OPS/class advisor/you should've determined that you met all of the prerequisites. The briefs for them are usually a little more intense, but if you find yourself walking to an airplane for a check ride then things are going well and you just have to keep the train on the tracks.


“Technique only”
As a current Primary IP, there are two distinct and separate points to clarify here:

1) Prior flight time does have the ability to significantly help you in flight school, full stop. The old saying of “prior flight time inherently introduces too many bad habits that you will have to unlearn” is simply incorrect. If someone has trouble unlearning old habits it would be because of their own attitude and stubbornness, which would manifest regardless of prior time. I’ve seen many studs come through with prior time who crushed the NSS game because their stick skills, radio comms, and SA were higher and they took their training seriously and studied hard.

2) Civilian flight training is insanely expensive. Tens of thousands of dollars is no small investment, and it’s not until you get to the commercial level (AKA hundreds of hours of prior time) that your NSS is significantly affected. Because of that, we are trying to say that you shouldn’t spend a ton of money on something that -might- give you a leg up, when the financial burden is so high. If you wanna fly for fun on the side, or want to simply expose yourself and see if it’s for you, go for it. But don’t try and “buy” your way to a high NSS.