Redtails is maybe the worst movie I have seen. To the average civilian maybe different but the Cg was crap... but I just wanted to walk out the whole movie.
A couple of things...I'll try to keep them in order:
"To the average civilian": I had much the same thoughts (in every aspect) about "Pearl Harbor"...until one of my young sons said "Dad, this really makes me want to learn more about [the whole thing]". I pointed him at "Tora Tora Tora" as probably the next DVD to rent...which he did. So...if it reaches out to young people and at least gives them a fucking clue about times matter how corny those of us
"in the show" think it might be...well, it's on the good side of the ledger. If it further energizes young people of color to understand and better appreciate what their earlier generations had to endure...I'm cool with that as well. "The average civilian" IS, after all, the targeted movie-going audience.
"...the CG was crap...": Yes...and no. I agree...the flight dynamics modeling was an arcade game and totally unrealistic. Only those of us
"in the show" know that, however. On the OTHER hand, I thought the CG rendering of individual aircraft was nothing short of eye-wateringly spectacular and gorgeous. Art in motion.
"...but I just wanted to walk out...": My wife and I actually did, after about 20 minutes. Shitty script, shitty acting...yadda yadda yadda... But later, I got a DVD of it and gave it a second private. Glad I did...for the reasons above.
Let's face it, the ONLY completely faithful and technically/historically accurate motion picture ever made was "TOP GUN". There can never, and will never, be another like it.