Judge Q
Judging You
It makes me not want to ask what color Greer’s lightsaber was.
Green, obviously.
It makes me not want to ask what color Greer’s lightsaber was.
Did you just mix up Samuel L Jackson and Morgan Freeman?You say “obviously” but there will be those who swear it was purple for Morgan Freeman in Sum Of All Fears.
I actually interacted with him. If you can call being pointed at from across the ship's wardroom table as he said, "And you guys in the funny green suits..." interaction. LOL He was just a CCDG commander at the time and our ship was brand new out of the shipyards in Maine. As was our squadron...still in the beat up transient hangar across from what used to be the McDonalds at Mayport. Not a great visitor to have aboard when you are doing WOWU and FLEETEX all at the same time with a brand new ship and brand new squadron/DET.It was a joke. But one I've made myself that tends to go over peoples heads "nowadays" (ie 3-6 months ago).
Oh, the reason we were yelled at was because we took off 10 minutes late. "Why were we late?" you might ask. Because DET OIC shut off APU instead of doing hydraulic leak check. Bye bye AC power.
Are you talking about the Greer from the new Amazon show? If so, he's a break from canon.
Hmmm..both generators? Really?There was a Mid a year or two ahead of me at NROTC whose family was friends with 'ol Mike and there was a picture of her next to him while he was CNO. Obviously made it a bit awkward around the place after the news broke.
Now I know this is only a sea story and not reality. The HYD LEAK Test requires both GENS to be running. Stolen Valor!
Hmmm..both generators? Really?
LOL. HYD LEAK is done at idle. Generators come on around 97% Nr on the ground (WOW).
LOL It's all good!I just did an MTP annual eval on someone last Friday. It's just not fair arguing systems with someone who evaluates this shit every week, almost every day. Not that I can't be wrong, but...not in this case. I'll take lights that come on/go out during engine runup for $500, Alex.
If it makes you feel better, it occurred during the same underway period that I did one of my worst f$%^ ups in aviation. We flew down the beach line of an island in the Caribbean enroute to Roosevelt Roads on a medevac when we noticed puffs of smoke on the beach. My dumb ass did not verify our EXACT location (pre GPS) and took combat's word for where we were. That beach was the north coast of Vieques and the puffs of smoke were shells arching over the island from a ship on the south side of the island. We were asked to call the tower when we got to Puerto Rico. I think our only saving grace was 1) We survived and 2) We were doing a medevac.
5. ENG POWER CONT levers — FLY.
6. Fuel selectors — DIR.
8. Torques — Matched within 5 percent.
9. Engines — 100 percent Np/Nr.
11. NO. 1 and NO. 2 GENERATORS — ON.
13. External power — OFF.
*14. Engine overspeed system and autoignition — Check.
*15. Hydraulic leak system — Check.
Negative. Also, I think Greer sounds like Luke Skywalker’s dad with better lung capacity.Did you just mix up Samuel L Jackson and Morgan Freeman?
Or maybe a bit like Mufasa? Or perhaps Bleeding Gums Murphy?Negative. Also, I think Greer sounds like Luke Skywalker’s dad with better lung capacity.
M-60A1 Main Gunner.Rumor has it that Greer began his career as a B-52 Navigator.
Nine hash marks!
I really was just joking around and I fear the internet may have interfered with my delivery. Hopefully you understand I had no ill intent towards you and I enjoy reading your posts since you have both the Navy and Army perspective.
However... From the -60B NFM (whatever version I still had on my hard drive from a couple of years ago):
ALERT CONDITION (which is the equivalent of what you used to launch off the boat back then...emphasis mine):
As you can see, the Gens would be up at you'd be at 100% Nr. Same goes for both the No-Rotor Brake Start and the Rotor Brake Start procedures (for land starts) for the Bravo (and Romeo).
I will concede that you are correct, and you could do it from shore power (or APU power), but I never was taught to do it while at idle in the Seahawk, and in the Bravo, Nr was either at 0% or 100%, no idle, when on the boat. Since I'm not NATOPS qual'ed in either anymore, it's moot, but I promise my joke was at least based in reality.
As for being in the wrong place...I feel your pain. Such is life living in a 512 nm world. It was like real life Pac Man.