That's funny, I wasn't issued ANYTHING in my seabag - I had to buy the stuff. You know, being an officer and all.
We know, we know...
But right now might not be the best time to "Ensigns, unite!" Head forward, mouth shut. For now.
That's funny, I wasn't issued ANYTHING in my seabag - I had to buy the stuff. You know, being an officer and all.
especially when threatening with pink slips for those who want to dissentWe know, we know...
But right now might not be the best time to "Ensigns, unite!" Head forward, mouth shut. For now.
Instead of talking about how a few Ensigns screwed over all the other A-Pool Ensigns, maybe we should all just do a better job of policing ourselves (so that "they" don't have to)...
Sage wisdom here. If your CO were to order you to present yourself for inspection in black shoes, khaki combo cover, and SWOter, the correct response is "yes, sir," then change 2 minutes afterward.However, COMMA - remember that brown shoes were created by SNAs. They can dictate a certain set of footwear for an inspection (black), and that's a lawful order. You're playing with fire to challenge that. However, you want to keep those new black kicks in inspection ready condition? Wear brown every other time...
Proper newbie-JOPA response is to continually wear brown when they haven't prescribed black. If they say you must wear it in formation? Wear them in formation, then change in your car and walk into StuCon with your brown shoes on (more effective if you walk in within 5 minutes of formation/inspection). THAT'S the way to stick it to the man. As long as you're keeping your nose clean, they'll respect it...
The problem is that we were told to be in an inspection ready uniform at all times...therefore, black shoes at all times.
This is just about all that needs to be said about the situation.I don't pretend to know how significant brown shoes are in the USN but I can recognize when a command is pissed the F off and looking for more people to crush; now might not be the time to stick your head out of the whackamole game that is the pool. This is especially true if you havent done anything yet and don't have anyone to go to bat for you based on your performance.