JOPA is a very powerful tool, yet a dangerous one that can come back to bit you in the a$$. A JO is like a Hyena in the jungle, alone it doesn't stand a chance. But together a pack of Hyenas can take down a Lion (CO, upper chain of command). But also remember that Lion writes your FitRep.
I've used and seen JOPA pull off some miraculous things (got a DH bumped from a cruise fly-off once

). The thing that you need to concern yourself with is two fold. First is this a fight worth fighting? You have to choose your battles within and as JOPA wisely. You can't use JOPA to fight the big man on everything. If you are selective and choose the right fight, you have a better chance and more power then you think.
Second, you will soon learn that many "higher ups" will throw a smoke bomb into the room and see how you react. I had a CO that would constantly talk about or changed things for sake of changing and seeing how JOPA would react. It actually is a good leadership tool to use (although I hated it and still sort of disagree with it) to see how your minions will react. Do they fold like a cheap seat? or come together and band as brothers.
JOPA is there to protect the lonely JO that is getting screwed over by higher echelon. The fact of having to have inspection ready uniform at all times is not the case of "ONE" JO getting screwed over. It is a Command Climate or Command decision that is applied to all and well honestly, suck it up. Want some Kool-Aid? Now if one JO got a pick sheet or was being singled out and that one JO was told to have the inspection ready uniform and not rest of A-pool? Now that is a JOPA fight possibly worth fighting. Otherwise it just sounds and you can come off and bunch of bitchy JO's in ready room.