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Chinese sub surprises Navy


Not the first time it's happened. About the same time last year I was on the Kitty Hawk while a Song was following us around. It was pretty scary actually to see how close they got without us knowing.


Well-Known Member
Not the first time it's happened. About the same time last year I was on the Kitty Hawk while a Song was following us around. It was pretty scary actually to see how close they got without us knowing.
My guess would be because it's diesel-electric... Those guys can be pretty quiet...


Not much to chime in on. As was pointed out the article is garbage and gives no real information. It takes a single event, discusses some other, quasi-relevant information and conjecture and then makes some ridiculous assertions. Here is my favorite...

The Americans had no idea China's fast-growing submarine fleet had reached such a level of sophistication, or that it posed such a threat.

China has diesel submarines??? WHAAAAAAT???:D:confused:

The bottom line? Diesel subs are quiet and China has some....this of course makes for a short and kind of boring article.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
It goes in line with the global media bashing/assault on the US. Anything to portray us as buffoons is game.

Mr. Blonde

My ass is a motherfuckin' champion
I thought the wording of the article seemed one sided and misinformed, however, being unwashed I had no idea how common this type of event was. I'm glad to see though this isn't that big a deal.


Jobu needs a refill!
bfd. USW today is a joke and until CSG CO's and staffs give a crap, it's going to keep happening.
Zulu is the step-child warfare commander, HS birds don't even carry their domes in some theaters. As for VP, buoy allocations are shit. So this shouldn't come as a surprise. Anybody who has truly flapped on a out of area deployer is likely too old to be on a regular rotation crew or retired.
The Gotland has kicked the shit out of every CSG going on WestPac during JTFEX's. Now, we're getting a Peruvian 209 to train with, louder than shit but I'm betting it'll still do well.

End Rant.


Registered User
I thought diesel subs were really loud if the weren't running on electric power. And if they were running on electric power how did they catch an aircraft carrier seeing as they are ridiculously slow underwater on electric.