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Chinese sub surprises Navy

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Ah, the old days when runners were common on the range..

Mostly dropping logs the last 3 times I went..

6 weeks on Andros Island is 4 weeks too long.
My first tour, Torpex's were 75% dropping extorps on sleds and 25% dropping them on subs. Sometimes you got luck and the extorp's turnaway feature failed. Then you got to hear the thump of the extorp hitting the sub. I dropped on subs twice and was lucky once. :D

My DH tour, everyone was amazed when I talked about dropping on subs. It was all sleds.


NOW NOW NOW is used in HSL (east at least) for just about anything requiring timing.. Torps, AUTEC buoy drops, MOT, etc.

We used it in HSL (Mk I) West as well. As a rescue swimmer, we didn't jump from the aircraft until we got our three taps on the shoulder.


"Three" (3) seems to be in vogue in emergencies, as well ----

Multi-place TACAIR -- we used to brief: "EJECT, EJECT, EJECT"!!! No one was going to be around for a fourth preparatory call ... :)

Commercial Air -- we used to brief: "EVACUATE, EVACUATE, EVACUATE"!!! Stand by to get run over if you're listening for a fourth command ... :)


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
"Three" (3) seems to be in vogue in emergencies, as well ----

Multi-place TACAIR -- we used to brief: "EJECT, EJECT, EJECT"!!! No one was going to be around for a fourth preparatory call ... :)

Heck, I never planned on waiting for the second EJECT;). The three "NOWS" nonsense though required a drop on the third "now". Drop on the first and it was not in the right hole (mine or buoy), or the weapon might be out of the acquisition envelop. And while this nonsense was common in ASW and mining, it was, as you said, "pickle, pause, pull" when dropping bombs, even if lay downs.


Heck, I never planned on waiting for the second EJECT;). The three "NOWS" nonsense though required a drop on the third "now". Drop on the first and it was not in the right hole (mine or buoy), or the weapon might be out of the acquisition envelop. And while this nonsense was common in ASW and mining, it was, as you said, "pickle, pause, pull" when dropping bombs, even if lay downs.
With my B/N's hand on the secondary/alternate handle, I've even gone so far as to say (3 times) :


I guess he believed me ... :D


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Site Admin
Actually now that I think about it some more, AUTEC in the Bahamas (during my DH tour) used to require 3 nows by radio to plot the aircraft position at the time of buoy/weapons drop. The range in Washington State (my first tour) didn't. AUTEC used to get pissed at me for f'ing it up by just calling "buoy away" or "weapon away". Since my torp always acquired, I always got the qual and just had to say sorry in the debrief.

Yeah, that was the issue w/ PMRF, as well. Since we didn't have anything that ran, they had to plot if the drop was SAT or not. I remember when I shot a Hellfire out there and they wanted a 5 second countdown so they could photograph it coming off the rail. Great, it's the first time shooting as a brand new 2P and the first one to shoot that day, I didn't want to miss the target, so I just got all the parameters and squeezed it off. "Next time can you please give us a countdown..." Whatever, dudes, I'm outta here. Hit the target exactly where I was aiming though...one notch above center.

As for hitting subs (I think I've mentioned this before, but...), my dad was hit by a torp on the range, probably AUTEC, when he was on a diesel boat. He said it made one hell of a CLUNK inside the boat.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Actually, that was the intended target to save the target for the other two shooters behind me, but glad someone got that.