Exercises and pretty numbers showing the Commodore all this groovy contact time is great, getting the qual so your crews (most of which are ASW tards) can get their readiness up in hurry so they can get back to the overland business is great too.
As a former AW (the actual Navy rating, not someone who used to post here ), I can tell you that ASW skills atrophy FAST. I spent 18 months going through an aircrew pipeline where ASW was the be-all end-all. My first exercise in the fleet was where I found out exactly how little ASW the LAMPS Mk I was expected to provide. Drop buoys and have the ship do the hard stuff. Just stay handy to drop the torp. ASW is hard and I was happy to be in a platform that didn't have to do it much. Imagine my surprise at test time (for PO3) how little ASW I remembered. Good thing for me the AW (H) test took that into account. When it came time for actual contact with a Soviet sub (my one and only), I was using maybe 30% of what the navy had taught me about ASW.