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Chinese sub surprises Navy


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
and drop on him.... Now, Now, NOW! :D

Where the hell did this three "nows" thing come from? :icon_rage Hal...anyone... What sense did it make. It was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I am sure it originated in the VP community. I for one refused to use such idiotic senseless terminology. In my aircraft it was always two "standbys" and "drop". I tried to perpetuate that terminology in the PAC FLEET VS community but I guess it has endured some how. Please tell me who started the three "nows" nonsense. It is neither logical or declarative. What are we doing on which now?:confused:


Well-Known Member
NOW NOW NOW is used in HSL (east at least) for just about anything requiring timing.. Torps, AUTEC buoy drops, MOT, etc.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
to fuel your ire, in SouthAm, all communitues say "ahora ahora ahora"


Well-Known Member
Guys I think you missed the totally obligatory "Hunt for Red October" reference. Either that or nobody mentioned the connection.

By the way, its on right now.


Where the hell did this three ... thing come from? :icon_rage...
Different, but in some ways, still the same ......

Adversary flying and TopGun @ the late '70's/early '80's .... three "tracking, tracking, tracking .... " calls were required to establish a "locked in the saddle" guns tracking solution that you had the pipper on the back of the other guy's neck for at least 3 seconds for a simulated gun-shot.

Always followed up by that sweet & cherished Adversary radio call of "GUNS KILL" as you did a canopy roll around the hapless USN/USMC/USAF/RCAF fighter that was the object of your attention just seconds prior ... :)

Truth be told ... Lawman beat me to it .... I think it's a Hollywood thing. :icon_wink

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Where the hell did this three "nows" thing come from? :icon_rage Hal...anyone... What sense did it make.
I always said something like "standby....weapon away" or "standby buoy drop....DIFAR 21". Never did say 3 nows or even 2 standbys.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I always said something like "standby....weapon away" or "standby buoy drop....DIFAR 21". Never did say 3 nows or even 2 standbys.

So who will take credit for the absurd three 'NOWS"?


Well-Known Member

So who will take credit for the absurd three 'NOWS"?

Don't know who is responsible. Back in the day it was taught in the RAG and carried over to operational crews, I guess. Since I was a lowly tube rat R/O and IFT I just never gave it much thought. Just the "way things were done..."


Super Moderator
Wink - In the LANT VS community we still did STBY-STBY-DROP! There were a few that did the NOW, Now, Now - but they were lesser for it. :)


Jobu needs a refill!
one potato, two potato, three potato (pickle)....I swear it's written in the TACAID like that:icon_king


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
NOW NOW NOW is used in HSL (east at least) for just about anything requiring timing.. Torps, AUTEC buoy drops, MOT, etc.

Same for when I was on the range. Since the range really had no idea where are stuff was, we had to call out a location. I never saw an "approved" method, and most people used 3 Nows. I'd love to see something one way or the other and do it correctly, but for now, I chalk it up to the rantings of a couple of grumpy, salty cold-warriors.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Same for when I was on the range. Since the range really had no idea where are stuff was, we had to call out a location. I never saw an "approved" method, and most people used 3 Nows. I'd love to see something one way or the other and do it correctly, but for now, I chalk it up to the rantings of a couple of grumpy, salty cold-warriors.
Actually now that I think about it some more, AUTEC in the Bahamas (during my DH tour) used to require 3 nows by radio to plot the aircraft position at the time of buoy/weapons drop. The range in Washington State (my first tour) didn't. AUTEC used to get pissed at me for f'ing it up by just calling "buoy away" or "weapon away". Since my torp always acquired, I always got the qual and just had to say sorry in the debrief.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the old days when runners were common on the range..

Mostly dropping logs the last 3 times I went..

6 weeks on Andros Island is 4 weeks too long.