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CJCS responds to Rep. Gaetz


Well-Known Member
I did read it and I’m trying to discuss it with you.

They were not marking them down or assigning points based on race from what I gathered.

Certain races scored lower on graded traits but is that the same thing? In any large data set you’re going to find trends.
Trends like black people using crack and white people using cocaine more often, and then punishing one more than the other? You called that racism if I recall correctly.

I'm not getting sucked into a debate with you or Spekkio. You've both proven you are not here to discuss anything on it's merits, but just evade fair questions, overlook obvious details that don't reinforce your preconceived notions, and allow your cognitive dissonance to run rampant. I won't be replying to you anymore.


Well-Known Member
Trends like black people using crack and white people using cocaine more often, and then punishing one more than the other? You called that racism if I recall correctly.

I'm not getting sucked into a debate with you or Spekkio. You've both proven you are not here to discuss anything on it's merits, but just evade fair questions, overlook obvious details that don't reinforce your preconceived notions, and allow your cognitive dissonance to run rampant. I won't be replying to you anymore.
Yes on criminal traits.

you’re talking about college admissions where a certain race scored lower on graded criteria which had nothing to do with race


Well-Known Member
With a goal in mind to arrive at the racial makeup they desire.
Is it racist to determine you want a diverse student body?

If you look at your student body and say "I want people from all across America and different backgrounds and I will determine how."

Is that racist?

Besides- Tons of schools let in students whose parents are rich and make large donations regardless of their race and qualifications so I would be more concerned about that.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Is it racist to determine you want a diverse student body?

If you look at your student body and say "I want people from all across America and different backgrounds and I will determine how."

Is that racist?

Besides- Tons of schools let in students whose parents are rich and make large donations regardless of their race and qualifications so I would be more concerned about that.

Yes. Choosing students based on race is racist. They have a system that discriminates against Asian applicants.


He bowls overhand.
Yes. Choosing students based on race is racist. They have a system that discriminates against Asian applicants.
To the first part - Harvard's admissions policy does not select based on race. The trait mentioned in the NY times article is 'character;' according to several different websites explaining the selection process, the trait looks for people who have overcome significant hardships or have helped others overcome significant hardships on a national scale to get the best score. The fact that there is a correlation with race on the average score does not make it racist, just like the SATs aren't racist just because there is correlation between race and score even when adjusted for income. Perhaps more people would claim that Harvard's policy was racist if the article showed a correlation with blacks or Hispanics instead of Asians, but those people are idiots.

To the second part, Harvard's student body is 25% Asian when the national makeup is 6%. Accusing them of biasing against Asians in the admissions process is tilting at windmills.

I think that anytime the demographics of a sub group of people significantly diverge from the national makeup of the country, organizational leaders should ask why, examine whether their policies are inadvertently selecting one group over another, and when the job doesn't require traits of a particular race or gender they should attempt to recruit qualified members of under represented groups. If anything, Harvard should be looking at why its student body is disproportionately Asian.
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Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
To the first part - Harvard's admissions policy does not select based on race. The trait mentioned in the NY times article is 'character;' according to several different websites explaining the selection process, the trait looks for people who have overcome significant hardships or have helped others overcome significant hardships on a national scale to get the best score. The fact that there is a correlation with race on the average score does not make it racist, just like the SATs aren't racist just because there is correlation between race and score even when adjusted for income. Perhaps more people would claim that Harvard's policy was racist if the article showed a correlation with blacks or Hispanics instead of Asians, but those people are idiots.

To the second part, Harvard's student body is 25% Asian when the national makeup is 6%. Accusing them of biasing against Asians in the admissions process is tilting at windmills.

I think that anytime the demographics of a sub group of people significantly diverge from the national makeup of the country, organizational leaders should ask why, examine whether their policies are inadvertently selecting one group over another, and when the job doesn't require traits of a particular race or gender they should attempt to recruit qualified members of under represented groups. If anything, Harvard should be looking at why its student body is disproportionately Asian.

By that reasoning literacy tests and poll taxes should be ok since they didn’t specifically target blacks.

Also the percentage of Asian students is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member

Chris rock already covered this...in 1996. So 25 years later and still arguing about the same thing.

Anyone want to swap races to be a minority because they supposedly get an unfair advantage? Didn't think so.
The fact that the video is 25 years old and things haven’t change or arguably got worst is sad


I'm always confused when people throw around platitudes like, "I want all races treated exactly the same," but then rant and rave about college admissions policies that seek to do exactly that by ensuring that the (often overwhelming) inequities that many minority applicants face are appropriately weighted into the admissions calculus.

Do you want people treated equally from within an immutable, pre-existing framework of racial injustice? Or do you want people treated equally in earnest?