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CJCS responds to Rep. Gaetz

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Where did I say it is a Zero Sum game?

The government helping others is not taking away anything from anyone else.
You said people who weren’t minorities benefited greatly from racist policies while minorities were held back. Now racist policies won’t have the same effect in reverse?


Well-Known Member
You said people who weren’t minorities benefited greatly from racist policies while minorities were held back. Now racist policies won’t have the same effect in reverse?
Do you see any policies being advocated for that are even remotely similar to slavery or Jim Crow laws?

Who does helping a group of people that were historically oppressed hurt?

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Do you see any policies being advocated for that are even remotely similar to slavery or Jim Crow laws?

Who does helping a group of people that were historically oppressed hurt?
How did non minorities benefit from racist policies if it’s not zero sum?

Your argument now is, “yeah but the racist policies I’m advocating won’t be as bad as those other racist policies”

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Unless of course you’re a qualified Asian that didn’t get into the school you wanted because they ranked your personality lower to get the racial mix they wanted. It’s ok though because another person’s ancestors may or may not have been oppressed. Win win!


Well-Known Member
How did non minorities benefit from racist policies if it’s not zero sum?

Your argument now is, “yeah but the racist policies I’m advocating won’t be as bad as those other racist policies”
Previous policies were overtly racist and designed to keep certain groups from achieving anything.

Current diversity initiatives are designed to help those same groups achieve the things those previous racist policies prevented. All while maintaining the same opportunities for the groups that were not oppressed.

So no, it is not zero sum. And diversity policies are not racist.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Previous policies were overtly racist and designed to keep certain groups from achieving anything.

Current diversity initiatives are designed to help those same groups achieve the things those previous racist policies prevented. All while maintaining the same opportunities for the groups that were not oppressed.

So no, it is not zero sum. And diversity policies are not racist.
So did whites not benefit like you previously claimed?

And yes, diversity initiatives are often racist.


Well-Known Member
Go off what the other posters say about the government being by the people and for the people. Affirmative action and similar policies will end when the government decides.

This misses my point. When should then end? If there's no clear answer, then the policies being enacted in the first place is a problem. If the will of the people say that these policies should end tomorrow, would you agree with it? Both on a personal level, and "the people have spoken" level.


Well-Known Member
This misses my point. When should then end? If there's no clear answer, then the policies being enacted in the first place is a problem. If the will of the people say that these policies should end tomorrow, would you agree with it? Both on a personal level, and "the people have spoken" level.
No, I didn't miss the point. Is it not a government for the people and by the people?

Why do you need a start and stop date?
So did whites not benefit like you previously claimed?

And yes, diversity initiatives are often racist.
Please explain how current diversity initiatives are oppressing the majority in this country in a similar way to the previous racist policies such as slavery and segregation.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
You will never change attitudes through reverse discrimination to favor formally oppressed, CRT or making whites apologize for being white or admitting their”privilege”. All you can do is pass laws, rules and regulations against discrimination, ensure equal opportunity under the law for all with zero regard to race, educate all races in a non-prejudicial manner that does not lay blame, and allow time to take its course.

Learn from the past but leave the past in the past. Encourage parents to take an active role in their kids development and education. Push the importance of a basic education and learning job skills. Teach self-reliance and self-determination. End the culture of hand outs and victimless.

But this all envolves way too much self responsibility for too many people to accept. It’s easier to just blame others.


Well-Known Member
Just a stop date. How should the government determine that justice is restored, and then treat everyone equally again? This is not a trivial question.
No clear answer, so you just pick one. It can be time-based (until some date) or event-based (number through) or performance-based (game has been raised by X amount) and you just do it. It won't be perfect, just better.

The idea that holding someone down is racist, but so is lifting them up after having held them down...you've just removed the power of the word "racist" to discriminate between two obviously different scenarios.


Well-Known Member
Just a stop date. How should the government determine that justice is restored, and then treat everyone equally again? This is not a trivial question.
Well it kind of is. It's a pretty silly talking point. Our government representatives are elected by the people. Why is this any different when compared to all sorts of other public laws and policies?


Well-Known Member
But this all envolves way too much self responsibility for too many people to accept. It’s easier to just blame others.
And this line of thinking almost always comes from people who never had to take self responsibility or deal with the repercussions of all of the racist and unjust policies of the past.

It's just easier to point fingers and say "work harder".

See how that works?

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
No, I didn't miss the point. Is it not a government for the people and by the people?

Why do you need a start and stop date?

Please explain how current diversity initiatives are oppressing the majority in this country in a similar way to the previous racist policies such as slavery and segregation.
Please explain how whites benefited greatly from discriminatory policies if it’s not zero sum.

And now you’re back to “it’s not as bad as previous racist policies so it’s ok”. It’s not ok.