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CJCS responds to Rep. Gaetz

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
No clear answer, so you just pick one. It can be time-based (until some date) or event-based (number through) or performance-based (game has been raised by X amount) and you just do it. It won't be perfect, just better.

The idea that holding someone down is racist, but so is lifting them up after having held them down...you've just removed the power of the word "racist" to discriminate between two obviously different scenarios.
Both scenarios are racist. It’s not complicated.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member

Your Hawaiian needs to get over it. Hawaii is not going to be given its independence and her yelling and screaming is not going to change that. She can calm the fuck down and accept reality or she can be miserable tilting windmills.

Besides, who in this day and age is really Hawaiian. There has been so much inter-racial breeding that there are very few native Hawaiians left. Even Kamehameha schools just looks for one Hawaiian somewhere in your ancestry and a kid of any alumni is automatically considered of Hawaiian blood no matter how many generations or racially diluted their blood.

There is a push to allow 1/32 Hawaiian blood to inheryHawaiian Homes leases because so few descendants are qualifying.

Your Hawaiians have equal opportunity under the law, are not discriminated against and have great free educational opportunities through Kamehameha Schools if they value education enough to work hard at learning. They can get land for $1/year and pass the lease on to their descendants.

Hawaii as a matter of policy or laws does allow discrimination… against non-Hawaiians. What other state allows discrimination in attending schools (Kamehameha) and allows a racial slur (haole) as an everyday term.

Bishop Estate is basically legally allowed to discriminate against whites without regard to anti-discrimination laws and regulations.

You screaming Hawaiian lady does not impress me and is just another whacko with a lost cause.


Well-Known Member
Hawaii as a matter of policy or laws does allow discrimination… against non-Hawaiians. What other state allows discrimination in attending schools (Kamehameha) and allows a racial slur (haole) as an everyday term.

Bishop Estate is basically legally allowed to discriminate against whites without regard to anti-discrimination laws and regulations.
Did you miss the fact the Bishop Estate existed when Hawaii was an independent country? Then America decided to overthrow it and take all of their public land and institute their laws.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
And this line of thinking almost always comes from people who never had to take self responsibility or deal with the repercussions of all of the racist and unjust policies of the past.

It's just easier to point fingers and say "work harder".

See how that works?
My Dad had to leave Hawaii as a junior in high school and attend a mainland boarding school because he got tired of being beat up for being white.

I was a minority in my 85% black intercity Norfolk, VA high school and couldn’t go to half of the classrooms because I’d get beat up for being white. I had to “distance learn” and self teach half my subjects ditto in the library. Beat the honky days were common and popped up randomly.

I’ve lived in Hawaii as a haole on and off my whole life. Hawaii accepts racism against haoles.


Well-Known Member
I’ve lived in Hawaii as a haole on and off my whole life. Hawaii accepts racism against haoles.
You're a pilot, can't you just leave?

Just kidding. I don't advocate people being beat up for their skin color. I remember hearing stories from my friend who grew up in Hawaii. Apparently "Kill Haole Day" was a thing when he was growing up and the military kids had it rough. Always on the last day of school.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Did you miss the fact the Bishop Estate existed when Hawaii was an independent country? Then America decided to overthrow it and take all of their public land and institute their laws.

So…slavery existed when the U.S. became a country. It doesn’t make slavery right or still legal.

Taking Hawaii is the past. Get over it and follow today’s laws.


Well-Known Member

Your Hawaiian needs to get over it. Hawaii is not going to be given its independence and her yelling and screaming is not going to change that. She can calm the fuck down and accept reality or she can be miserable tilting windmills.

Besides, who in this day and age is really Hawaiian. There has been so much inter-racial breeding that there are very few native Hawaiians left. Even Kamehameha schools just looks for one Hawaiian somewhere in your ancestry and a kid of any alumni is automatically considered of Hawaiian blood no matter how many generations or racially diluted their blood.

There is a push to allow 1/32 Hawaiian blood to inheryHawaiian Homes leases because so few descendants are qualifying.

Your Hawaiians have equal opportunity under the law, are not discriminated against and have great free educational opportunities through Kamehameha Schools if they value education enough to work hard at learning. They can get land for $1/year and pass the lease on to their descendants.

Hawaii as a matter of policy or laws does allow discrimination… against non-Hawaiians. What other state allows discrimination in attending schools (Kamehameha) and allows a racial slur (haole) as an everyday term.

Bishop Estate is basically legally allowed to discriminate against whites without regard to anti-discrimination laws and regulations.

You screaming Hawaiian lady does not impress me and is just another whacko with a lost cause.

If your land was stolen by the United States, you were forced to lose your culture, feel ashamed for being Hawaiian, and then struggled you would not be happy either.

I am not advocating to return the government to the Hawaiians. But Dr. Trask did a lot for her people.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
If your land was stolen by the United States, you were forced to lose your culture, feel ashamed for being Hawaiian, and then struggled you would not be happy either.
History is full of lands world wide being conquered and assimilated, including lands full of white people. Hawaii is in no way unique, just more recent. But it’s still history and present day.


Well-Known Member
History is full of lands world wide being conquered and assimilated, including lands full of white people. Hawaii is in no way unique, just more recent. But it’s still history and present day.
Serious question. Does that make it ok?

Was the overthrow of Hawaii justified because history is full of nations being overthrown?

Was the Indian Removal Act justified?


Well-Known Member
Well it kind of is. It's a pretty silly talking point. Our government representatives are elected by the people. Why is this any different when compared to all sorts of other public laws and policies?
No it's not. It's part of the practical implementation of a policy you desire. The difference between it and other laws and policies is that it's an initiative that seeks to right a previous injustice. Once that is achieved it should no longer be necessary unlike most other laws which continue on in perpetuity. Thus, the end date / criteria is not silly.
I think that's what makes practical implementation so difficult. There are a whole host of criteria that require objective metrics that are near impossible to quantify. Of the 5 Ws, only really 'Why" has been answered. I haven't heard anything objective on the other 4.


is clara ship
Not the same subject as racism, but this opinion piece highlights what might be another critical unknown of any such agenda......what specific injustices should we be addressing? Is there a scope to what constitutes injustice?


Well-Known Member
Well it kind of is. It's a pretty silly talking point. Our government representatives are elected by the people. Why is this any different when compared to all sorts of other public laws and policies?

An end date to COVID lockdowns was not a trivial talking point. Our government representatives are elected by the people, but the policy decisions there were significant to say the least.

So an end date to restorative policies: What should they be? There were metrics for end dates for covid lockdowns (a rough analogy but you get the idea).

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Serious question. Does that make it ok?

Was the overthrow of Hawaii justified because history is full of nations being overthrown?

Was the Indian Removal Act justified?
Here’s a more relevant question:

What does it matter now? What is the best way forward for a native Hawaiian? Is reminding white people who had nothing to do with what happened 100+ years ago how unjust it was helping?


Well-Known Member
Here’s a more relevant question:

What does it matter now? What is the best way forward for a native Hawaiian? Is reminding white people who had nothing to do with what happened 100+ years ago how unjust it was helping?
Should they just forget about it?

The best way forward has been discussed. Look to assist in their social structure, provide better opportunities, address the disparate impacts of previous legislation.