A couple of thoughts to leave you with...
Firstly, I'm begging you... please seek out your nearest WTI and educate yourself on the capabilities of your ASE systems. I took one look at the operating frequency range of the 211 and instantly knew that you're vulnerable to a whole host of threat systems. Second, please take a look at the OT results of 211 vs threat systems... not a particularly rosy picture - ODT&E gave it a failing grade. The same limitations can be gleaned from the 160th's own TTP documents. Lastly, overselling your platform's capabilities, or underselling its vulnerabilities, is the quickest way for you to lose credibility in a joint mission planning environment. That's one of the first things we teach our WTIs.
So, I know you were just trying to stick up for your platform - good on you for that - but don't let bravado paint you into a tactical corner from which you, or those you lead, may not survive.
Happy aloha Friday!