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Columbian Hostages Rescued in daring operation


Crusty Shellback
FARC: "Dude..that was low...I call bullshit."

Columbian Forces: "My bad, you're right...redo, here's the hostages."

FARC: "Ok..no funny business this time okay? Because man..that was weak."

Columbian Force: "Yeah, you're right, ok, no funny business...Starting over, Ready? GO! Fights on."

FARC: "Hold on, time out..hostage has to take a piss...Ok, he's done, ready for real this time. Wait..no fair, you know where our base is."


I believe it was a poor decision to use the IRC as cover.

However, I would have approved the plan and accepted the punishment I deserved.

No matter how "wrong" it was, it resulted in the rescue of American hostages. That end result right there is enough to sway me to do alot of things that go against better judgment. Luckily for America I'm not in charge of anything and never will.

Course' the Son Tay Raid was a bad idea and Desert One was a fiasco.

I wish I could have participated in both.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Using the Red Cross emblem was a pretty shitty move on their part...makes it hard for the next guy that gets kidnapped. But kudos to the media for spreading it to everyone in the world so NOONE will trust the red cross. I love the media...:icon_rage

I hate the media as much as the next guy, but you can't really blame them for this. FARC is a powerful, well-connected group - the information was bound to get out.

Of course, the immediate result of this mission was the rescue of hostages - a great thing. But I think the planners were pretty short-sighted here. Using the Red Cross symbol puts real aid workers around the world - especially in Columbia - at serious risk.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Good thing the FARC is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions and all of the Protocols.....now they have recourse against those dirty, rusing Columbians.


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Good thing the FARC is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions and all of the Protocols.....now they have recourse against those dirty, rusing Columbians.

It's not FARC complaining here, it's the Red Cross. But I guess they're not a signatory of the Geneva Convention either, so their opinion doesn't really matter, huh?


Well-Known Member
Using the Red Cross emblem was a pretty shitty move on their part...makes it hard for the next guy that gets kidnapped. But kudos to the media for spreading it to everyone in the world so NOONE will trust the red cross. I love the media...:icon_rage

Ya, fvck the red cross. I donate monthly (taken out of my base pay) to the "Magen David Adom" (wiki it). I would NEVER donate to the red cross. Best I've done is donate blood a couple times. Hard for them to fvck that one up...


Well-Known Member
Ya, fvck the red cross. I donate monthly (taken out of my base pay) to the "Magen David Adom" (wiki it). I would NEVER donate to the red cross. Best I've done is donate blood a couple times. Hard for them to fvck that one up...

Hmmm... I'm sensing a little bitterness here... did a Red Cross nurse turn you down for a date?:D


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Ya, fvck the red cross. I donate monthly (taken out of my base pay) to the "Magen David Adom" (wiki it). I would NEVER donate to the red cross. Best I've done is donate blood a couple times. Hard for them to fvck that one up...
Let's not confuse the local Red Cross with the International Red Cross. I'm not sure you meant to, but the blood donation comment warranted a clarification.

Humanitarian issue aside, most time the IRC is the only organization the US can go to as an intermediary and conduit for communication with hostages and prisoners. It is worth maintaining the integrity of the IRC for that alone. Michael Durant makes it clear in his book, In the Company of Heroes what it meant to him to have a visit from the IRC when he was captive in Somalia.


I’m trying to do some research on this. I as an attaché in Colombia (small point: it’s ColOmbia not ColUmbia) back in 1994-95 and worked/visited with many Colombian military units.

It is my understanding that many of the helicopters flown by local and international aid organizations had red crosses on them as a way of making them look non-military. Although I can't remember seeing any back when I was there. I’m trying to independently verify this as fact… haven’t been able yet.

I notice that some of the cries of foul are coming from the "usual suspects": Daniel Ortega’s Nicaraguan press, Hugo Chavez’ Venezuelan Press, and of course, our own “Communist News Network,” CNN. At least CNN acknowledges that the FARC (along with its fellow guerilla organization, ELN) have been known to misuse the symbol in the past. They also mention that the most famous of the released hostages (Ingrid Betancourt) didn’t recall seeing any red crosses on the helicopters.


It’s also well known that one of the reasons this rescue was successful is that so many of these “aid organizations” are at best sympathetic to the FARC’s cause… if not downright actively supportive. Remember, those FARC clowns thought it perfectly believable that a supposed "aid organization" would send their own helicopter to transfer hostages to a new location!!!

I fly to Colombia all the time, and although I’m no expert, I’d say that the current President’s approval rating (somewhere north of 80%) is an indication that the Colombians think he’s on the right track.



Super Moderator
Wink and Zissou have very good points, the International Committee of the Red Cross is justifiably a bit concerned that their specific symbol was used inappropriately, which is not just the red cross though it incorporates it:


As Wink has already pointed out, the ICRC is often the only organization that is able to act as an intermediary when we need to recover some of our hostages and prisoners. This is true even today in the the conflicts that we are now involved in. Not everyone we fight is a fanatical terrorist that wants to behead their prisoners, and the ICRC has facilitated the exchange/release of some recent captives/hostages. They were also the organization that facilitated the exchange of prisoners and remains between Israel and Hezbollah recently, so there is a need for them. And I have not seen them playing favorites to the FARC, don't confuse them with other NGO's or 'peace organizations' that are nothing more than leftist fronts. While indivdual members might be bad, as an organization the ICRC has steadfastly remained neutral.

Taht does not mean that I don't agree with their policy of seeing no evil, where they always take a neutral stance and never take sides. This policy even led to the creation of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), which was founded by a disaffected group of French Red Cross doctors who did not agree with their policy of complete neutrality in the Biafran War. Those docs have serious cojones by the way, serving people where no else dare go.

But they are a necessary organization that is protected by international law and should be be respected by us and our allies. They have proved very useful to us in the past and will continue to do so in the future. To use their symbol as a prop is inappropriate and probably not worth the cost.


How do you fly a Clipper?

Sorry, this doesn't have anything directly related to the thread but - Flash, how in the hell do you know so much...about everything!? You must just have wicked google-fu, or a ton of time on your hands. Not bashing, you just always seem to have the facts about almost every topic. :D


Crusty Shellback
Sorry, this doesn't have anything directly related to the thread but - Flash, how in the hell do you know so much...about everything!? You must just have wicked google-fu, or a ton of time on your hands. Not bashing, you just always seem to have the facts about almost every topic. :D

This was asked in another thread..I'm TELLING you..it's that Malaysian computer/network sweatshop he has in his basement who provide him up to the hour intel on what's going on in the world...

He used to pay them by taking them on weekly trips to the ice cream shop, but has recently stopped because the last time things didn't go too smoothly and Flash lost his commercial drivers license.



Super Moderator
Sorry, this doesn't have anything directly related to the thread but - Flash, how in the hell do you know so much...about everything!? You must just have wicked google-fu, or a ton of time on your hands. Not bashing, you just always seem to have the facts about almost every topic. :D

I have always been interested in recent history and current events, I read allot on those subjects, and it is my job. And who says a history degree will never come in handy ;).


Registered User
I have always been interested in recent history and current events, I read allot on those subjects, and it is my job. And who says a history degree will never come in handy ;).

I have met Flash in person, and he really is as smart as he sounds.....he just can't spell for shit. BTW...ask him why they call him Flash. Probably the same reason I'm called Mumbles....because I'm soooo articulate and eloquent a speaker.:icon_wink