Scoober and I know the same person from Las Cruces. That was the story I was referring to and I have heard a couple other second hand accounts very similar to that. I agree that it is probably not that common but the chance that they can say "We don't want you to move so you can start monday" does exist.
OK, so two of you heard the same story from someone who thinks they know why they got their second choice. Who told this person how the decision was made? If it didn't come from the CNATRA folks who do selections, then its just heresay.
These kinds of stories have been around for decades. They've got no basis in fact. Their worse than internet urban myths. I once made up a story about deployment ending early. Told it in a loud voice on the mess decks. About an hour later I heard the story from someone else in the wardroom, so it was confirmed.
Don't try to go somewhere to improve you selection chances. It doesn't work. Want to improve your selection chances? Study your ass off!