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He bowls overhand.
So if they knew these things were going to happen all along, why did we lockdown to begin with?

“When asked if it is the right time to begin relaxing some of the social distancing measures, Fauci said not until the curve of new infections starts flattening out.

He refused to guess when exactly that may occur.

"The virus itself determines that timetable," Fauci said.“

So...NPIs do or do not work? He makes it sound like the virus will follow Farr’s Laws
NPIs do work. The shutdown had many reasons - some rooted in science, and many not.


Active Member
Just an update on the covid cases in Victoria. I saw today's cases were 41. Down from the higher 750. When level 4 lockdown started 5 weeks ago. Level 4 lockdown is going to run for another 3 weeks. For comparison, that would be like taking your 50,000 and reducing it down to 3,000 a day.


Well-Known Member
So if you knew it would be around for months, in spite of our preventative measures, then:
  1. shutting down the economy for more than 2 weeks was the wrong tactical move, and
  2. we should probably just open the economy and schools fully, and let it run its course.

Giving up early, while barely even trying on testing, was the wrong tactical move.

What we did was we took the worst aspects of full lockdown and full Sweden.

Why haven’t any of the Red MAGA states just let it run its course? Mississippi, for example?

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member

Giving up early, while barely even trying on testing, was the wrong tactical move.

What we did was we took the worst aspects of full lockdown and full Sweden.

Why haven’t any of the Red MAGA states just let it run its course? Mississippi, for example?
Still obsessed with politicizing a virus, I see. Strange considering the stellar example of blue states


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Still obsessed with politicizing a virus, I see. Strange considering the stellar example of blue states

Why haven’t any of the Red MAGA states just let it run its course? Mississippi, for example?
Isn't there enough debate about the pandemic response and COVID science? Lets step back from the political angle. I am getting enough of that from campaign adds and you guys don't hold a candle to the professional campaign lairs. If your comment is political in nature take it to the proper thread. We all know where to find it. Carry on about T-cells, masks, testing, etc.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Week 28 of the Pandemic: Following this Page 13 to the letter is hurting me more than Covid ever would.
It’s strange to see the differences within the military in responses. As a Marine, as far as I know I’m only expected to quarantine if returning from specific countries. We fly with Navy pilots that aren’t allowed to eat out or leave base on overnights. They have to wear a mask entering the squadron to walk alone down the hall but then take it off once in an office or the wardroom around other people. Oh yeah and these are reserve squadrons so most of the reservists are airline pilots who have been flying all over the country unmasked and eating out and staying in hotels and using gyms the whole time. But at least they’re “doing something” right?


Still learning
It’s strange to see the differences within the military in responses. As a Marine, as far as I know I’m only expected to quarantine if returning from specific countries. We fly with Navy pilots that aren’t allowed to eat out or leave base on overnights. They have to wear a mask entering the squadron to walk alone down the hall but then take it off once in an office or the wardroom around other people. Oh yeah and these are reserve squadrons so most of the reservists are airline pilots who have been flying all over the country unmasked and eating out and staying in hotels and using gyms the whole time. But at least they’re “doing something” right?
Wow. Sounds like you have it a good deal better than the Navy guys.

It's ridiculous that "doing something is better than doing nothing", especially if the nothing is likely less harmful than the something when there are laws for the public already in place. These Page 13 restrictions make this pandemic much harder on the ORM side of things because if you follow the letter of the law then you should have two final destinations when you leave your house; a cockpit or a grocery aisle. You have to take leave just to go outside 150 miles specifically for us and all leave goes through your CoC and then to CNATRA's inbox for approval or denial; but if you get leave you likely have to quarantine (using leave) upon return for 14 days afterwards...at some point the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

This is nothing to mention that to a maximum extent practicable you should not be joining groups of friends in a dwelling of more than ten, not easy to guarantee, nor participate in team sports with them so pickup games are out too. Violations are under threat of UCMJ. All of this is a great way to drive morale straight into the ground. I know mine is as low as it has ever been and my interpretation of maximum extent practicable is shifting because I'm sick of being so alone. It is surviving but definitely not living.



Well-Known Member
Wow. Sounds like you have it a good deal better than the Navy guys.

It's ridiculous that "doing something is better than doing nothing", especially if the nothing is likely less harmful than the something when there are laws for the public already in place. These Page 13 restrictions make this pandemic much harder on the ORM side of things because if you follow the letter of the law then you should have two final destinations when you leave your house; a cockpit or a grocery aisle. You have to take leave just to go outside 150 miles specifically for us and all leave goes through your CoC and then to CNATRA's inbox for approval or denial; but if you get leave you likely have to quarantine (using leave) upon return for 14 days afterwards...at some point the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

This is nothing to mention that to a maximum extent practicable you should not be joining groups of friends in a dwelling of more than ten, not easy to guarantee, nor participate in team sports with them so pickup games are out too. Violations are under threat of UCMJ. All of this is a great way to drive morale straight into the ground. I know mine is as low as it has ever been and my interpretation of maximum extent practicable is shifting because I'm sick of being so alone. It is surviving but definitely not living.


Agree with all. Anecdotally, I hear the army and Air Force aren’t nearly as strict either. More common sense policies in those branches. That said, I’m sure this is knee jerk backlash from the TR and an overreaction in hopes of preventing another future public affairs embarrassment.

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member

More positive news about vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements for hospitalized patients showed a significant reduction in ICU admissions compared to the control group


Registered User
It’s strange to see the differences within the military in responses. As a Marine, as far as I know I’m only expected to quarantine if returning from specific countries. We fly with Navy pilots that aren’t allowed to eat out or leave base on overnights. They have to wear a mask entering the squadron to walk alone down the hall but then take it off once in an office or the wardroom around other people. Oh yeah and these are reserve squadrons so most of the reservists are airline pilots who have been flying all over the country unmasked and eating out and staying in hotels and using gyms the whole time. But at least they’re “doing something” right?
Good thing that the rules apply to your family members who live with you and with whom you spent a significant amount of time in close quarters. Not to mention the civilians with whom most people come into close contact on a daily basis.

Oh wait...


He bowls overhand.
Good thing that the rules apply to your family members who live with you and with whom you spent a significant amount of time in close quarters. Not to mention the civilians with whom most people come into close contact on a daily basis.

Oh wait...
You can thank the TR and its martyr CO.