OMG!!! I am getting dizzy. I thought Gonzo08's quote "Man, if only we lived in a free country where people could still wear masks if they wanted to..... " was sarcasm and I didn't realized it wasn't until others responded. This thread is getting impossible to read. In light of the whole removing freedoms idea, I am going to publicly shame anyone using sarcasm without putting <sarcasm> tags on their posts. I am going to contact the cancel culture police and have you publicly ridiculed and kicked out of your favorite coffee shop. I'll demand to speak to your manager, call you a racist, and rename your high school because it's name is probably racists as well, and demand you drive an electric car to and from the airport when you fly in your private jet!!! Got it?!!This is a joke, right? The govt has taken away people's freedoms for well over a year and now you want to pretend like those of us who have been arguing people should have had their freedom all along are the anti-freedom ones? His point is not that they shouldn't be able to wear masks. His point is that unless 99% of people are unvaccinated then a significant portion of people in some areas are still wearing masks, against CDC guidance and against all science, for no reason other than they've been conditioned to.
And don't even think about getting on my boat unless you have been vaccinated for COVID-19, anthrax, The Measles, and wear a condom. And, for the love of God, please don't move to Florida!

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