It is likely Jacobson v Massachusetts will be a part of any legal proceedings. It certainly did leave us with some good sound bites. But I didn't see in the article some very key points that will limit the weight of this case in todays legal debate. This was a the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ordering the vaccinations. Not the Feds. And it wasn't an executive order. I don't think you can ignore the relative necessity as a public health matter containing the hyper deadly Small Pox in 1904 vs the vastly lower fatality rate in covid cases. The courts always takes into account the down side when restricting liberties.An interesting article...
The Surprisingly Strong Supreme Court Precedent Supporting Vaccine Mandates
In 1905, the high court made a fateful ruling with eerie parallels to today: One person’s liberty can’t trump everyone else’
The year was 1904, and when his politically charged legal challenge to the $5 fine for failing to get vaccinated made its way to the Supreme Court, the justices had a surprise for Rev. Jacobson. One man’s liberty, they declared in a 7-2 ruling handed down the following February, cannot deprive his neighbors of their own liberty — in this case by allowing the spread of disease. Jacobson, they ruled, must abide by the order of the Cambridge board of health or pay the penalty.
“There are manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subject for the common good,” read the majority opinion. “On any other basis, organized society could not exist with safety to its members. Society based on the rule that each one is a law unto himself would soon be confronted with disorder and anarchy.”
Random reminder that vaccines work. Also, that the cost of an average Covid hospital stay is $20K or so.
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How many of them caught it at a football game? I’m shocked that you’re in support of the super spreader events now.glad to hear the roars of the stadiums again.
Surprised we haven’t seen an order or “regulation” to force vax/testing on sports venues. We can’t have people being conspicuously carefree and unscathed by scaryvirus.How many of them caught it at a football game? I’m shocked that you’re in support of the super spreader events now.
Sorry for the doublepost but some Mod felt the need to delete it on the CFB thread.
On our campus masks are required indoors, not outdoors.Maybe the 2nd or 3rd largest university in the country has refused to obey the state governor's order prohibiting mask mandates at the state universities. So masks are required on campus. Saw on TV last night this university play in a stadium full of maskless students.
So sitting at a table in the library by myself is more dangerous than being packed in like sardines with dozens of maskless, yelling, cheering people?On our campus masks are required indoors, not outdoors.
It is all about the ventilation.
That is good to hear. No one thought ventilation was a major consideration back when they closed parks and beaches, wrapped crime scene tape around picnic tables, and playground equipment and banned outdoor dining and canceled sporting events?On our campus masks are required indoors, not outdoors.
It is all about the ventilation.
Cambridge is a municipal government, which are granted significantly more latitude via the 9th amendment.
The President handing down an edict through the DOL is an apples and oranges comparison here.
Aussie Karen. Who knew.
But they did not offer you "proof", did they? So you are just choosing to believe them. That's fine. But if you are going to demand proof, let's be fair. There is no proof that the virus is naturally occurring.
No evidence was necessary when government officials, media, and big tech banded together suppress the lab origin of the virus and label it a debunked xenophobic conspiracy.
Also it can be a natural virus and still be from the lab.