Some times I think you have a persecution complex. No one is out to get you least of all me. No, there is nothing worthy of deleting your post. I asked a simply question, rhetorical, yes. What happened this morning has not changed a thing. It is, in fact, the same old thing. That was why my post. Just you repeating the same old mantra. In your third paragraph you basically pointed that out.Reminded of something that happened this morning?
What are you driving at, exactly? If you don’t like my post, then by all means, please use your super mod powers to censor it in some way.
But I fail to see how this post is in any way, shape, or form inappropriate. Fauci et al have been saying one thing for quite some time, and now he has flip flopped again, so I presented a video with clips saying it wouldn’t and couldn’t happen, and then a clip of him saying today he supports vaccine mandates for travel and that the Biden Administration is considering it. From a show that happened, again, this morning.
Haven't you ever had a friend that latched onto something and never let it go? And just to make conversation, because they no longer seemed to pay attention to anything but this one subject/issue, they repeat the same thing over and over? I have found it most often with super sports fans. Bitching about how their team had ben treated by the officials, or the unfair league fine. Always attitude. Very predictable. Not enjoyable to listen to after the second or third time you have heard it. Eventually, you start to tune them out and bide your time until their obsession passes. Or maybe, if they are not the kind of friend you want to invest a lot of time in, you just ditch them. That my friend is about where you are. You and taxi and 2 or three others.
I am dying here. The only reason I come around is because I know guys here are following this issue more than me. I am looking for something new. Something that INFORMS me, or entertains me. Nothing about your post communicates any new information. It is background noise.