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Registered User
Okay boomer...

Actor's Equity and IATSE (Wife is a member of one and I'm a member of the other) say the same thing.
Unions are unions. They support their workers' interests, as well as their own- and they are a "liberal" (in American politics only) institution.
Not a boomer, and I’d say the same thing that @HAL Pilot did.


Registered User
Nice! Good humblebrag. My Rona check will be direct deposited, so I couldn't refuse it if I wanted to. I'll probably donate most or all of it.

As a conservative, you should probably be advocating for the abolishment of pilot unions. Maybe step aside, and let some of these young bucks get a shot at the Show in these hard times. I'm sure you'll do fine with your gov/airline pensions and SS.
Please tell me which major airlines still have pensions.

There’s a reason why people actually WANT to get jobs at major airlines. And without the unions, they quite simply would not be as attractive. Imagine what fleet life would be like if the JOPA could negotiate their scheduling rules, work rules, pay, retirement contributions, advocate for crew member safety...and that’s just a small example of what they do.

If you read Flying the Line Vol 1 and 2 it would open your eyes. Same for you @Swanee.

Also, not a humblebrag by @HAL Pilot . You tried to bait him and he responded that he was above the limit. He’s had a pretty tough road to hoe to get to where he is. He deserves every penny he gets.


Super Moderator

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
No matter the President's take on the power of the office, I predict there will be no show downs between the Federal Executive and any of the State governors over coming out of mitigation procedures. The Executive Branch trod rather softly going into this, using CDC, USPHS, and others to make recommendations, and used the bully pulpit to shape acceptance by the public. I see no reason why the Executive should now want to usurp all the power and decision making to come out of the crisis. It is all Trump (read trash) talk. If he hasn't forgotten it already, he will be reminded of the 100 reasons it is good to leave final decisions to the governors. We will see guidelines, incentives and strategic communications coming from the White House. Not much more.
I am thinking more of individuals vs. a state or federal entity, than White House vs. a state:

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
If I recall it is based off taxable income 75K single, 150K married.

Thanks. Oh well.
I have been waiting 2 weeks for a hair clipper that was supposed to arrive 1.5 weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Got my stimulus automatically deposited yesterday. It went to my investment account, rather than my bank, maybe because I selected that for my 2019 tax return in turbo tax.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
What other unions are you a member of that anecdotally validates your statement?
When I was 18-19, I was a member of the longshoremen union in Norfolk, VA.

That union controlled your job completely - if you were hired, if you worked, what you did, how much you worked, etc.

While not a member, during my furlough 2003-2007 I was around the hotel workers union in Las Vegas. They controlled jobs, intimidated workers at non-union properties to vote in the union even though it meant pay and benefit cuts (they were higher in an attempt to keep the union out), intimidated members to vote certain ways, etc.

My cousin is married to an electrician in Las Vegas that is a member of the electricians union. That union works hand in hand with the hotel workers. Between the two, if you’re not union, you don’t work in any major Las Vegas casino or hotel. The electricians union controlled every aspect of your job like the longshoremena union of my youth.

Pilot unions are associations that provide resources and experts to individual pilot groups while attempting to set a minimum standard. They do not control if you are hired, once hired they do not control your job, and you can even decline membership if you want. Yes they influence members but the have little means to control members. The job action options to try and compel the company to do anything are extremely limited compared to traditional unions. They are completely different animals.