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Well-Known Member
I am aware of the new legislation. I know that in most cases a doc can prescribe off label meds like in the case at hand, and some folks even get experimental drugs. And, of course, there is good reason for the ordinary approval procedures of the FDA. Actual point of my post was to comment on the ridiculous position in this emergency that anecdotal evidence, observed by medical professionals, is worthless and a full blown FDA approval process with years long double blind studies be done before anyone can let word of hope cross their lips.

You know the trials aren't going to take years. There are already some preliminary results out. But pushing a drug this hard leads to dumb people doing things like this:



Well-Known Member
I would challenge 99% of the college educated aviators to do the same.
This may be thread drift, but I was a kangaroo court judge back in our VT squadron, when we had NAVCAD instructors. So of course we had a "NAVCAD Spelling Bee" as part of the ceremonies, working our way through the different venereal diseases ("chlamydia...C-H-blah-blah-blah...chlamydia"), most of which are challenging!


Well-Known Member

As the last human in the western hemisphere not to have seen this show, I'm missing out on a lot of humor. So far I have gleaned that there is murder, sexual assault (s), homosexuality and bestiality somehow enjoined with pet tigers. I am subject to random drug tests, so I plan on waiting 2.5 years until I can retire to watch this show. It will hopefully explain a lot of meme activity to me, hope it's still funny in 2022.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
As the last human in the western hemisphere not to have seen this show, I'm missing out on a lot of humor. So far I have gleaned that there is murder, sexual assault (s), homosexuality and bestiality somehow enjoined with pet tigers. I am subject to random drug tests, so I plan on waiting 2.5 years until I can retire to watch this show. It will hopefully explain a lot of meme activity to me, hope it's still funny in 2022.
I haven’t watched it either but after seeing all the references to that name I googled it a while ago.

Hair Warrior

Well-Known Member
Yep, one day in the not to distant future, civilization is going to resume. For sure, deal with the national emergency at hand but we don't need to throw away the Constitution for everything else in normal life.

In all seriousness, there are well-worn legal paths for collecting, retaining, and using USPI, as well as for restricting the movement and congregation of people temporarily, without due process. For example, to cordon off an area and set road checkpoints to search for fugitives or keep people out of hazardous areas.

Time will tell how far executive offices (federal and state) can and will go w/r/t coronavirus measures, before the judiciary (federal and state) weigh in. Shut down small businesses? Mandate masks? Fine people for not distancing on private property? Ankle bracelets or phone tracking for positives? Prison for repeat offenders? Maybe all measures are necessary and Constitutional, who knows.

The great thing about America is we have a robust and co-equal judicial system, with appeals. It ain’t perfect but it’s there, and people will eventually make use of it. There is already a big fight brewing between federal and state executives over the limits of power. Historically, the courts have been the place where these matters get addressed.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
No matter the President's take on the power of the office, I predict there will be no show downs between the Federal Executive and any of the State governors over coming out of mitigation procedures. The Executive Branch trod rather softly going into this, using CDC, USPHS, and others to make recommendations, and used the bully pulpit to shape acceptance by the public. I see no reason why the Executive should now want to usurp all the power and decision making to come out of the crisis. It is all Trump (read trash) talk. If he hasn't forgotten it already, he will be reminded of the 100 reasons it is good to leave final decisions to the governors. We will see guidelines, incentives and strategic communications coming from the White House. Not much more.


Well-Known Member
As the last human in the western hemisphere not to have seen this show, I'm missing out on a lot of humor. So far I have gleaned that there is murder, sexual assault (s), homosexuality and bestiality somehow enjoined with pet tigers. I am subject to random drug tests, so I plan on waiting 2.5 years until I can retire to watch this show. It will hopefully explain a lot of meme activity to me, hope it's still funny in 2022.
I was a hold out until the wife wanted to see what it was all about, what a shit show, dumpster fire, and monkey fucking a football all rolled into one, they are all nuts, all of them. If you believe in gun safety then this show will make you cringe.