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Well-Known Member
This thread had me wondering how many believe the hype theory. It seems to be a minority.
"Still, 12 percent of Americans say the measures where they live go too far."

My biggest issue with the stay home orders is the double standards out there. No landscaping of private businesses but landscaping gov't buildings that's just fine, no residential construction or remodels right now however renovating or building a gov't building well that's just fine.

These orders are filled with double standards, that seems to be what many people are pissed off at.


He bowls overhand.
Good article on the ridiculousness itself . . . .
I wasn't in favor of the lockdown when it began, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it ridiculous.

What I do find ridiculous is that we met the goal to ensure that the people who succumbed to the disease could be treated by medical professionals, but no, that's not good enough. Now we need to do 100% testing before we reopen the country...and a sizeable amount of people think that by keeping everything shutdown, the disease will magically disappear by the summer.


Well-Known Member

TL;DR: If you’re active or reserve military, the DoD plans to test you for coronavirus, and maybe also test for antibodies.

Not to sound weird, but I'm excited to see what comes out of this. Back in feb/march I went down with a weird cold/flu like sickness that came and went based on the time of day, as some infected with covid have described, and my symptoms were consistent with some younger people's experience. Most notably a pervasive "brain fog" that I just couldn't shake.

Went to medical to get checked out and didn't even mention covid but described my symptoms. Doc sounded like he was tired of people being hypochondriacs about it, swabbed me for flu and sent me home until I felt better. 3-4 days later, and about 10 total I was fine again.

Not a doctor/epidemiologist but I'll bet we see pockets of this where we had no idea people had contracted it. Surprise! You first hand participated in the 21st century's first pandemic.


Well-Known Member
My daughter came back from a semester in South Korea late December, and came through Shanghai. The way she described the checks at the airport, it seemed like they knew something. Meanwhile, in mid-December I had the flu worst ever, bad enough to see a doc (no testing) and a cough that lasted way longer than I've ever had. Well into January. To this day I wonder, and I'm looking forward to an antibodies test when its available.

Deleted member 24525

They do?

Apple and google want that. But liberals are just as Concerned about technology privacy and tracking as conservatives.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Thanks to Trump's stupid comments regarding UV blasting inside a body, people miss the important part of the briefing. More experts we relied on were wrong. Or rather, the experts in the briefing today are wrong. Who knows? So what about this just leaving it to the experts and doing what they recommend?

Weeks ago we were told UV did not kill the virus. Barely a week ago I read an expert's report that the temps required to kill the virus pushed the temps used in sterilization and clearly not something experienced even in my neck of the woods on a hot July day. Now it may be possible to reduce virus half life by just warming up an indoor room. That a sunny hot humid day outdoors will kill aerosol borne virus in scant minutes. But no. Lets close parks. Discourage trail hikes and camping. Run people off beaches and coop them up indoors in dry air-conditioned spaces devoid of UV light.

The concern here isn't lay people and politicians making scientific proclamations or pushing the wrong conclusions onto senior decision makers. Nope, the problem is hitching your horse to the wrong expert. Seems like you have about a 50-50 chance of getting the wrong one.


Registered User

UV is a known virus killer for all viruses.
I literally googled “covid ultraviolet”.

“But to date she has "found no quality scientific studies showing that sunlight actually kills coronavirus," and there are no guidelines on how it might be used on various surfaces or in different settings and temperatures.”
