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Well-Known Member
Next "big" parts of the project I will need help with:

Moving of concrete. I am getting 6400# of concrete in 80# bags from Lowes. I need help unloading the trailer and back of truck. Need to move from O-Club parking lot to under the patio awning to keep out of the weather. I can do it myself, but more help is better.

Setting up of forms. This is a 1-2 man job, but having a couple extra dudes as "runners" in case we forgot something is great.

Pouring Concrete. If we don't have at least 5 guys, fuhgeddaboutit. I need manpower (or chickpower) for this. It's gonna be a hard, brutal day I won't lie.

I will post updates as to when things are happening on here. Expect some work tomorrow, either at the club making forms or at the Auto Hobby shop putting the cart back together and finishing touches on the catapult.


Mmmm Poundcake
Just give me an update as to when. Facebook was working great as I got an e-mail saying hey something is happening... Manual labor is available for something as great as thing!


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Yer an f'ing machine, MB! Looking forward to the photos as you take the first trap.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I am having a mother of a time finding one part I need.. The Holdback.

I am planning on using a "Pelican Hook Chain Stopper". SWOs know what this is. I paid attention at OCS so I do too.

I need a 1/2" PHCS. Can't find one. Can make one if I have to, but would rather spend the time/effort elsewhere.

Any SWOs/Boaters/anybody got an idea where to get one?

Also, searching for a proper stick for the cockpit. Have a functional stick, but am looking to add a "Real Stick" to the cockpit. Anyone got a T/F/A-Anything stick they are willing to part with?


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
Okay, I am having a mother of a time finding one part I need.. The Holdback.

I am planning on using a "Pelican Hook Chain Stopper". SWOs know what this is. I paid attention at OCS so I do too.

I need a 1/2" PHCS. Can't find one. Can make one if I have to, but would rather spend the time/effort elsewhere.

Any SWOs/Boaters/anybody got an idea where to get one?

Also, searching for a proper stick for the cockpit. Have a functional stick, but am looking to add a "Real Stick" to the cockpit. Anyone got a T/F/A-Anything stick they are willing to part with?

Nice work, by the way.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Also, searching for a proper stick for the cockpit. Have a functional stick, but am looking to add a "Real Stick" to the cockpit. Anyone got a T/F/A-Anything stick they are willing to part with?

You will have a difficult time finding a control stick. You might be better off with a bent/molded piece of metal pipe with a cheap (or realistic) control grip. Better yet, just take a bicycle grip and place it on the end of the pipe.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Well-Known Member
Are you telling me that the MOD shop on base doesn't have a control stick from one of our wrecked T-45's? Or do they reuse them? Maybe steal it from the Charlie cockpit trainer...they don't really need it anyway ;)


Registered User
Also, searching for a proper stick for the cockpit. Have a functional stick, but am looking to add a "Real Stick" to the cockpit. Anyone got a T/F/A-Anything stick they are willing to part with?

Maybe the guys behind the Naval Aviation Museum (the restoration shop) might have something. I don't know how to contact them but it seems like a logical try.


I'm your huckleberry.
If nothing else, perhaps head up the road to the maintainers in corpus for a T-34 stick. I'm pretty sure they can scrounge just about any part of that plane and slide you one for the proper donation.


Well-Known Member
Still batting zero on the Pelican Hook. The place mentioned a couple posts up has a 6 month wait for them to be back in stock. Any other ideas as to where? I can build one, but buying one is much easier.


.....Any other ideas as to where? I can build one, but buying one is much easier.
Totally, totally clueless here ... but the "hook" @ CUBI was an original off of something or other USN bird ... and then it was replaced by the metalsmith's when it "broke". Are there no hooks at AIMD K-Ville or whatever passes for that in the NAVAIRTRACOM??? ... or ... just have a metal shop fabricate one. It doesn't have to be MILSPEC ... it just needs to work.

I'll pay for it. Unless it's a ridiculous price. And then we'll negotiate. :)



...Like that?
No ... but thanks for your suggestion in any case.

It just NEEDS to be a reasonable facsimile of a HOOK.

A freakin' HOOK.

Com'on guys ... don't you get it ??? Any self-respecting USN metal shop can fabricate whatever you need.

Just ask 'em ... :)


Registered User
Back in 2001 or so there were dozens of A-4 hooks leaning against the fence on the backside of Naval Aviation Museum......