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Well-Known Member
Working party 0730 at the Club. Yeah, I know it's early, but I have a night flight and want to work before it's too damn hot, but have the sunlight to keep the vampire mosquitos at bay.


Will fly for food.
That won't help, they have daywalkers now. They're as vicious as their nighttime brethren.


Well-Known Member
Brief historical note. The first night that the chairs from the upper bar were used to "catapult" pilots to the dance floor at the Cubi Club was the second night that the NEW Cubi Club was opened. We peons weren't invited to opening night. Most of the aviators involved were from VF-142 and VF-143. After several launches, one of the Pukin' Dogs said that he wanted a night "launch", so we blindfolded him. The next Dog up said that he wouldn't take a night launch without a full moon, so one of the RIOs stood on the bar and gave him one. All this activity came to a halt when Capt Christiansen (skipper of the Connie) came in and announced that the chairs cost about $300 each and hence forth the pilot and the catapult officer would share the expense of each broken chair. That was way too rich for my blood, so I stopped shooting. The waist cat officer was of the same mind, so there were no more launches. We went back to Yankee Station and I don't know if any other CAGs were involved in later launches. I do know that by the time we got back to the P.I. the Dirty Neck Bar had been built and the pnematic cat was operating.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
What are you ... ??? Some kind of Communist ??? :)



Well-Known Member
Some pics will be up later tonight. I need to resize them.

Here is the work sked for 27 AUG 08 as I have a day off:

1000 - Work on track, cart and arresting gear at the MWR Auto Hobby Shop. If I am not there right at 1000, swing by the PUMA in the RV park (right behind the Auto Hobby Shop) and see if I am there.

1800 - Finish the hole. It is down to depth, it just needs finishing work. It will take a crew of 4 guys less than 2 hours to finish. We need to pour concrete next week. I worked on it for 3 hours today, and it's damn near done. It was alos MF'in hot out there at noon.

I really need help with some of this stuff. Depending on your skill set, I can use help from manual labor to layout to painting. If you have enough brains to be flying for the Navy, I can use your help, if only as a gopher.

I will have my phone in the truck so if you call, I probably won't answer right away. Call the VT-21 SDO if you need my #.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics.

The tailhook is forged out of a single piece of cold rolled steel. I forged the hook point, then "pigtailed" the shank around the pivot bushing, and then formed the forward part which will interact with the release mechanism.

The jet is on the track in the 3rd pic, and the tailhook mounted is seen in the last pic.





Well-Known Member
4 years of Vo-Tech high school is being useful now.

And they said a dumb kid from the Welding shop would never finish college :D


Well-Known Member
Target wire arresting gear complete. Function checked 4.0

"Safety" arresting gear complete but needs cable rigged and function check.

Hook release works 4.0

Thank you to ENS Sacks from VT-22 for his help getting the gear up and running the last couple days.

Flight sked dependent, I may have the safety gear up and running before I bail for the weekend.


Registered User
I hope you're getting a letter of commendation at the very least for your efforts, Casey.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
If you drop the hook early, does it lock back up?

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Why is it that I see MB going back on TAD orders every couple of months for the rest of his career to fix this thing when it breaks??????


Well-Known Member
I hope you're getting a letter of commendation at the very least for your efforts, Casey.
I know what he got for his efforts with the K-Rock Cat, the effort to save the O-Club, and his effort to save AWGs. An anthro waiver (which I'd say is 100 times better than a letter of commendation).

However, I'd be surprised if he didn't get SOMETHING out of his NOB FitRep in K-Rock. I'd almost argue an NC was in order...


Well-Known Member
If you drop the hook early, does it lock back up?

Yep. Plan B was a "foul light" like what they use at bowling alleys, and if you dropped it early and trapped, the firehose would turn on.

The safety people were not impressed with Plan B, so it's just an uplock if you hook skip.


Well-Known Member
CubiCat update:
Hole complete. Thank you ENSs Sacks and Cartledge
Track complete. Thank you ENS Moreno
Arresting gear complete.
Jet frame painted white.
Tailhook painted "barberstripe" gloss white and black. Just waiting on 2nd coat.

Not scheduled tomorrow, will probably go to Lowes and get the material to make the forms for the pool. If the HOOK NALO flight is ON, pour next week. If not, pour Saturday.