Seems a bit odd that THEIR moral compass should have to kowtow to yours (which isn't affected in the least by any of this).
Um, if noone asked them their persuasion, they were forced to lie about absolutelly nothing. IMO, saying nothing isn't the same as being disengenuous in this case (integrity intact! and following the rules!).
That is why it is MY moral compass. I didn't say they should to kowtow, just shut up and serve as they always apparently have. I don't agree with it, I don't like it, but regardless of our inconsequential opinions, its law, and in 60 days, we will impliment this bullshit and carry out the plan of the day.
I agree with the folks who see the logical next steps, this is a slippery marriage slope. And I also agree that the foundation of the arguement is in the question of choice: to act or not to act on a desire historically unaccepted by most of society. The group contemplation on the topic will lead nowhere. I won't.
Ask the question: Good for you, or good for the military as a whole? The ME generation has it, yay for change!!!! Convince folks that the "or" can be an "and" and the debate will probably stop. Angry dudes in pink tutu's storming ridges in Afghanistan would scare the hell out of the Taliban! (tastelessly kidding)
Our shoestring budget is already pressurizing readiness, maintanence is hurting, fighter gap is looming, China and Korea are sassy... these socio-military issues thrown on top of superflously stressed service will surely help the plight.... Just as long as everybody "feels" good.... anything is OK. The Brits Ive spoken with claim the integration of gays is a "bloody nightmare" (multiple O-4/O-5 datapoints that it does indeed affect morale and probably cascades to more).
Semper Maximus Per Minor.