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Deployment video causing heat for Enterprise Skipper

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Well-Known Member
I think America has just lost its balls as a whole. It all reverts to the all volunteer force and a war that 2 services are actually engaged in and 2 services are sort of engaged in and the country is essentially disengaged from.

The two services that are "sort of engaged" seem to be the most easily offended and have the most time to worry about fringe issues.

Would the Marines or Army shitcan a battalion CO ( or equivalent command). for this type of thing or are they to involved in actual fighting as an organization to care very much? Or would they do the same thing and shitcan a CO due to the potential possible political concerns.

If a Marine MEU CO/XO did that on an LHD, and it was picked up by the press? My guess is yes.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
I've really only known one Marine colonel who ever really did "funny," anyway.

It just wouldn't happen.

The Chief

Actually I see two separate Navy's developing. ... .

In my view we are already there. We have two sets of rules/regulations, one for female, another for male. Soon I fear we will have another set of rules for homsexuals.

As someone suggested, indirectly maybe, the best course of action is to hunker down and not take any chances. Hide in the mess or elsewhere for fear of being lynched. That would be a sad existance indeed. But to be sure, some would love it. Just my .02cents


I've really only known one Marine colonel who ever really did "funny," anyway.

It just wouldn't happen.
The First Sergeant/Sergeant Major population will speak up real quick seeing that they are interested in stumping out fun any way.


Making Recruiting Great Again
As a SWO who got "made fun of" numerous times in this video, I thought it was pretty damn funny. It's a shame my colleagues in SailorBob don't get it.


Super Moderator
Would the Marines or Army shitcan a battalion CO ( or equivalent command). for this type of thing or are they to involved in actual fighting as an organization to care very much? Or would they do the same thing and shitcan a CO due to the potential possible political concerns.

Actually, yes, and for a lot less too (a slide joking about slavery put in a brief to the CO by some JOs, who were minorities themselves). Though the Brigade CO's wife may have played a role too. But the Army wouldn't even start to even think about having 'fun' like this in the first place, the CSM would make sure that fun wasn't on the list of FRAGOs published, after he got done chewing out officers for improper wear of their GARB or PT gear.

I have no doubt they would do the latter either, just like the Navy did.


Well-Known Member
I think we've lost the big picture. I submit a thought, by scrolling to 3'20" in the attached video clip. (my limited computer skills prevent me from editing it to 3:20 directly)

Are we becoming our own worst recruiting tools? Even the nay-sayers on this topic found the XO videos a little humorous. If Big Navy keeps this knee jerk public lynching process up long enough -what kind of message are we actually providing to prospective candidates?



Well-Known Member
I think we've lost the big picture. I submit a thought, by scrolling to 3'20" in the attached video clip. (my limited computer skills prevent me from editing it to 3:20 directly)

Are we becoming our own worst recruiting tools? Even the nay-sayers on this topic found the XO videos a little humorous. If Big Navy keeps this knee jerk public lynching process up long enough -what kind of message are we actually providing to prospective candidates?

Wear masks?


Well-Known Member
Has there been a Foc'sle Follies where every "skit" consists of several people having a Bible study and/or reading from "approved" classics?


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I see I picked a fine time to pop in on AW after too many months away.

After my Army Colonel boss saw it yesterday "That was just gay, confirms what I thought about you Navy guys. And why the fuck did he keep the evidence?" An Air Force guy asked "Where was the IG 4 years ago? He should have been gone long ago, never in the Air Force!" The Navy guys, we just laughed.
This should be a post in the thread about the differences between the services. 'Bout says it all.
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