You mean day in and day out stuff like the callsign "Master?"
Let's ask him if his JO squadron mates are going to stop using that callsign. I hope they don't.
You mean day in and day out stuff like the callsign "Master?"
One quibble, $3 million in bennies? Would not be too sure of that, lots of changes are in the wind, some significant changes already made while folks not watching. One biggie; Health Care for Life. that is already gone. Retirees over 65 yo can no longer use militiary health care facilities unless they have Medicare Part B. That costs me $366 month, as I understand the new rates. TFL will be the same. While $4 grand a year is not a deal breaker, it does buy less Jack Daniels. However, if you are at or below the poverty line, income wise, yours will be free.
Let's make a distinction here between the behavior that CAPT Honors was relieved for and the behavior that you are worried is threatened, as described above.
CAPT Honors was a senior officer in a position of great responsibility, who in his official capacity as XO of a CVN used Navy resources to distribute material of questionable taste to every person on his ship, from O-7 all the way down to the newest boot. In doing so, he compromised his ability to be an effective leader.
Paddles, you seem to want to make this about my taste; I've never said I was offended by the videos (I wasn't), but it is no great stretch to say that the videos contained racy or lewd content and were headlined by a senior officer on the ship. It ain't a perch in an ivory tower that makes me say that (I live in a modest clapboard house, BTW, but do have a killer office overlooking the runway here, but the walls are ecru, not ivory), it is just common sense that makes me say that. Nor have I looked down my nose at anyone, so quit getting spun up.What color is the sky in your world...?
To make my point a little more clearly, and you still might not be able to relate: if you take a ready room full of young dudes who have volunteered to do some crazy dangerous shit for lousy pay, and are away from home for months at a time - and then ask them to say please, thank you, shoot instead of shit, darn it instead of fuck, and roll Nat Geo documentaries for roll'ems - dudes are gonna start taking long hard looks at the value of staying in.
This may come as a shock to you, but a lot of us are not so enamored with the "work" side of this job that we wouldn't consider leaving. Go scroll through any number of threads on this website and you'll find guys weighing their options because of low job satisfaction, pay, decreasing benefits, deployments, fitrep 500, shitty spineless leadership, etc... For a large chunk of Naval Aviators below the rank of O-5, its is the camaraderie and ready room life that keeps the job unique and enjoyable. Its a big part of what keeps dudes putting on the green pajamas instead of a shirt and tie. The O-4 > 10 pay isn't making the night traps worth it - and if leadership continues to take the enjoyable parts of this job away, they'll have less people they need to worry about paying.
So you stay in your ivory tower and look down your nose at rest of us with our "immature and scatological behavior".
I take this job very seriously.
smiley face inserted to make everyone feel happy![]()
Yet from all accounts, he was an effective leader and continued to be so 4 years after the fact. He didnt comprise shit, it's a term used by senior leadership to justify the decision. His actions didnt fit into the vaccum of leadership 101, of which one cannot stray, ever it seems.
And you don't think its trickling down?
... UAVs add a whole different dimension to the discussion ...
Yet from all accounts, he was an effective leader and continued to be so 4 years after the fact. He didnt comprise shit, it's a term used by senior leadership to justify the decision. His actions didnt fit into the vaccum of leadership 101, of which one cannot stray, ever it seems.
No one should ever expect the Navy to go to bat to defend anyone of us.
And to say that the tape was only 4 years ago is moot, VADM Stufflebeem was relieved in 2008 for actions that occurred in 1990.
I wouldn't equate lying to the IG about a UCMJ violation with this situation.
My tie to VADM Stufflebeem was only to demonstrate that actions that occurred years ago can still come back to haunt you later on.
As XO, he is supposed to be the 'keeper of the line' between what is considered acceptable behavior and what is inappropriate, not blur that line.
The Navy took a black-eye with that video and in a world of dwindling budgets and political correctness (whether you agree with it or not, it is a fact of life), the Navy can not afford to have an individual 'exemplify' the Navy in a negative light.
No single person is bigger than the Navy. If you embarrass the Navy, you can expect the Navy to respond harshly to protect itself. No one should ever expect the Navy to go to bat to defend anyone of us. Regardless of what CAPT Honors has done since he made those tapes, Big Navy has decided that his behavior was unacceptable and responded as they would do to any other commanding officer.
Is the Navy covering its own ass by sacrificing an officer on the alter of political correctness, yes. It's happened before and it will almost certainly happen again.
And to say that the tape was only 4 years ago is moot, VADM Stufflebeem was relieved in 2008 for actions that occurred in 1990.