That's a mouth full to me.
That's what she said.
Everytime I hear about a bill even being proposed, much less endorsed by 200 representatives, it makes me wonder how anything gets done in our legislature. To know that one person wasted the mental capacity to come up with such a measure, much less have it heard and endorsed by others... :icon_rage
Just today Congressman Fred Upton visited my political science class. I asked him directly why the federal govenment
was so reluctant (4th paragraph, as if the gov knows the company's financial position better then the company itself

) to allow major banks to repay TARP loans and he responded, "I don't know!" He expounded on the situation for a few minutes, saying he voted against the second TARP disbursement, but more or less dodged the question. Sometimes one wonders if anyone really knows what's going on.