Why would you un-velcro your rank? Plan on getting busted?
I don't un-velcro my rank...but lots of "tactial" guys walk around with velcro-ed on rank so they can sanitize when they fly the D.
Why would you un-velcro your rank? Plan on getting busted?
Why would you un-velcro your rank? Plan on getting busted?
Yes. Here's pictures to prove it:So kind of the same thing that helos would be, but 2x as fast in cruise? Alot of stuff like this? (USAF bird pictured)
If the nacelles can't rotate up, and are fixed forward, the Osprey can still land. Yes, the prop-rotors extend beyond the landing gear, but they are designed to "broomstick" and not damage the airframe...Looking at those pictures, it looks like the props extend below the landing gear. How does the Osprey land if one is unable to rotate the props up into the 'helo' position? Or do the props not extend below the landing gear?
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
...the helo dudes on our boat... but you guys HAVE to ditch the silly subdued green patches!
Second, the "type" of flying (I'm assuming you mean mission) that the V-22 will do is assault support. What does assault support mean? Alot. Pick stuff up (day). Drop stuff off (day). Pick stuff up (night, unaided). Drop stuff off(night, unaided). Pick stuff up (night, aided). Drop stuff off (night, aided). Pick stuff up (shipboard). Drop stuff off (shipboard). DLQ/Inst. Etc. Etc....Think of it as a more powerful, more capable, faster CH-46E.
Well your "sources" are wrong. It is a community all to itself. Yes, it is structured like an HMM, will be based at MCAS New River, but it is a VMM. It is the tilt-rotor community plain and simple.I took his question the other way; I thought he was getting at which platform the V-22 belongs to. Most would think it is in the props community, but according to my sources it is under helos. No crap, it is a tilt-rotor!? And what in the hell is your problem? I didn't elaborate, I figured a forum hawk would be along shortly enough.
"...idiot th-A-n to open..."
Some of that "stuff" is your luggage, parts, maintainers, mail, etc... Dick.There. I fixed it for you.