It's because you are ALWAYS talking about your exploits with women. Now, if that really IS the only way you spend your time, then I
a) pity your sore, tired, ears
b) can't see why you would care about justifying it to a bunch of schmoes on the intarweb and just get back to it already, man!
FOR THE RECORD. If I recall correctly, you DID post pictures of yourself when you swore in.
AND when someone else recently found pictures of you and posted them here, they were quickly removed by the establishment (which is not out to get you), saving YOU quite a bit of face and trouble.
And as far as "little people" porn. You don't jerk off to it. You look at it and laugh. Then you realize that, at times, you too are a cold, alone in the night, insignificant in this universe human beings. Tha you too, have "short-cummings" that you cannot be blamed for either. And then you laugh again because you aren't a midgit. And then you summarily turn that shit off.