I've driven across the top of Texas and it is painful...however I had to drive from Little Rock when I was training on C-130s w/ the Air Farce. I asked around and got the names of a few good Barbecue joints. Though it was 10 hours I managed to time it so lunch was ribs, and dinner was brisket. If I had to do it again I would pick a route that had me eating some good chow so I had something to look forward to along the way.
Do you perhaps mean
furrowed*? Unless you have the special ability to furl (and unfurl) your brow.
BTW, type the word
furl a few times and it starts to look weird.
fur·row [fur-oh, fuhr-oh]
–noun 1.a narrow groove made in the ground, usu. by a plow. 2.a narrow groove or trenchlike depression in any surface: the furrows on her old and wrinkled face. –verb (used with object) 3.to make wrinkles in (the face): to furrow your brow.