Maybe in Japan fantasy land. In the operational Navy, COD guys have spent a shit load of time over the last ten years in Bahrain, which is not what I’d call “really cool.”
I know you've done at least 1 whole deployment but I'll fill you in on a few minor details, since you must have spent the whole time playing Dungeons and Dragons downstairs:
Boats don't magically end up in the middle east. They usually cross some sort of ocean to get there. During this transit, there are lots of cool places the COD guys get to go to as soon as they are in range. Places like Hawaii, the PI, Singapore, Korea, Okinawa, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia, Vietnam, South Africa, England, Portugal, and all over the Med. I'm sure there are plenty others but these are just the ones I've seen the CODs operate out of.
p.s. Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and UAE all have better food and hotels than anything you ever had on USS boat.