38-40 people to maintain 2 aircraft. That is incredibly wasteful.
I don't think so, not on COD's. Besides, not all of those folks are pure maint. Like said, 6-8 aircrewman (back-up maint), 2 AZ's, 1 YN, a few non-designators, etc. Depending on the CAG, we have to have a catch crew, so we keep 8-10 maintainers on the boat, the rest on shore. So 38-40 is actually a bit small IMO. Especially when CAG wants to split our det and our maint department. I think 50 maint types would be better. Plus, the COD is a Grumman product

Then I get 6 pilots, including the OIC and if only 3 are AC's, it becomes tough when CAG requires a CVDO, further splitting the det. Just about anything is possible, just not always the correct route to take.