Do you still select c2 or e2 after advanced? Meaning when I show up to the rag? I'm currently in 44s phase 1. Can you shed some light on how this is operating as of 2016? This feed is over 10 years old. Thanks.I classed up this last Monday and I selected C-2!
Now I'm remembering why I hate ground school!
Do you still select c2 or e2 after advanced? Meaning when I show up to the rag? I'm currently in 44s phase 1. Can you shed some light on how this is operating as of 2016? This feed is over 10 years old. Thanks.
You select when you get to the FRS (VAW-120). Dependent on timing and what is available (E2D, E2C - CNS/ATM, C2A). The word is that they are done selecting the E2C (GII) but a class recently got the "hammer" dropped on them of flying the old steam gauges.
So, like, they selected CODs?
Haven't they converted all the CODs to CNS/ATM? That was underway last I was plugged into the VAW/VRC world.
So, like, they selected CODs?
Yes, the navigation and flight instruments are CNS/ATM. All of the engine instruments are still the same as before.
Or anything in the front end.Gotcha. Shows you how much I know about CNS/ATM in the front end...
Can one of you guys give me some insight on the life of a COD guy or E2? Just trying to widen my perspective and get some facts from folks that are currently, or have been in the community. Thanks.
COD = good if you like per diem, nice hotels, and beer.
E-2 = good if you hate per diem, hate beer, and love living with 5,000 dudes.
Absolutely true in terms of QOL, but don't most officers join up to be somewhat tactically relevant?