Only a fool of a military professional would mock logistics. People who don't know any better sometimes mock them because they're the "fat ugly POGs," "rear echelon MFers," "in the rear with the gear," "the lowly quartermaster," the attitude of, "Yeah yeah, just see to it..." supplies-wise, logistics is very boring to most people and there is no glory in it in the way that the combat arms has. But a military culture that looks down on the logistics personnel is going to find itself in a world of hurt. This was one of the issues the German military had in WWII. They had a culture that looked down on logistics. For example, everyone likes to cite the genius of Rommel, and he was a genius at the tactical level from my understanding, but at the operational level Rommel was, for lack of a better word in my opinion, a moron . He kept outrunning his supply lines in North Africa and gave short shrift to the logistical limitations of the Wehrmacht. As a result, he kept getting beaten back. Whereas Montgomery, who was smart about logistics, patiently built up his supply lines and pre-positioned supplies and refused to counter-attack Rommel when Rommel was trying to goad him to (which Rommel then ranted about). He also made sure to watch the speed of his forces so that they did not outrun their supply lines. As a result, he drove Rommel all the way back across Africa. Patton too also kept outrunning his supply lines and could have suffered severely had the Germans had the ability to launch a major counter-attack when he did so.