Good thing we live in America and are welcome to say how we feel, religious or otherwise, true or otherwise. I was simply stating how I feel on a policy that applies to me. You can talk about this until you are blue in the face, and it will not affect you because you are not going to OCS. Just like I can talk about this on an Internet forum until I am blue in the face, and it will not change the Navy's policy.
You do not have to respect my notions, my thoughts, or my religion, but I am just as entitled to them as you are to your own. Again, I can and will say whatever I feel as it applies to me. I did not attempt to speak for all women in a defininitive way with my quote, I was using it more as a proverb or adage.
I can refer to the Bible and then say I don't want to get into religion. I didn't say it was from the Bible in the first place for that reason. I was using it as an old proverb, and those who got the reference would have just got it and those who did not would just not. I only chose to elaborate when you thought it was from a person. I don't think my religion is everyone else's, but I can share mine if I so choose. Also, I am knowledgeable on various other religions and can appreciate the differences, similarities, or even just learning something new about them. I will not apologize for not being afraid to speak about religion. You say scripture has no place in OCS policy, and while I agree on separation of Church and State, have you ever counted how many times God is mentioned in OCS gouge? "I will trust in my God and the United States of America."
Hair may not be your glory, and it is not my highest one either. At 23, my highest glory is being selected as one of 32 Officer Candidates for the Navy Supply Corps. I worked so hard for it. You will not take that from me with your misunderstanding of my sentiments. I have spoken to many female Officers and they have said that one of the worst parts of OCS was getting their hair cut. I am not alone in not wanting to cut my hair. As I have said plenty of times, hair would never be the reason I didn't commission. I have never said that hair was "more glorious than anything else.