Nothing productive can come of this here. Villanelle is correct. If you want to continue this, take it over PM.
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It has nothing to do with making people look gross or undignified, and everything to do with making everyone look the same in the most efficient manner possible. You're not John, Paul, Jane, or Sarah, you're a candidate. You wear the same uniform and have the same haircut as everyone else.
I can refer to the Bible and then say I don't want to get into religion. I didn't say it was from the Bible in the first place for that reason. I was using it as an old proverb, and those who got the reference would have just got it and those who did not would just not. I only chose to elaborate when you thought it was from a person. I don't think my religion is everyone else's, but I can share mine if I so choose. Also, I am knowledgeable on various other religions and can appreciate the differences, similarities, or even just learning something new about them. I will not apologize for not being afraid to speak about religion. You say scripture has no place in OCS policy, and while I agree on separation of Church and State, have you ever counted how many times God is mentioned in OCS gouge? "I will trust in my God and the United States of America."
Thank you. I really appreciate it. I have learned a very valuable lesson in this piss contest.It would be silly to engage in a pissing contest about this over the interwebs, so I'll wish you the best of luck at OCS and in your Naval career, and leave it at that.
Good post. when you find yourself in a hole... and it seems to keep getting deeper... STOP DIGGIN'Thank you. I really appreciate it. I have learned a very valuable lesson in this piss contest.
I would never discuss religion in the Wardroom, or any other professional or inappropriate platform. This is an internet blog, and I felt it a fitting platform to share my views. Lesson learned.
You say scripture has no place in OCS policy, and while I agree on separation of Church and State, have you ever counted how many times God is mentioned in OCS gouge? "I will trust in my God and the United States of America."
There's a fine line here. While it could be more clear cut if phrases like "under God" were eliminated from the Pledge of Allegience, there is a distinct difference between a generic mention of "God" and quoting a religious text.
It's also worth noting that 'separation of church and state' doesn't appear in the U.S. Constitution. What appears is that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." When you look at what the source document says instead of what your 5th grade social studies teacher told you, it becomes a little more clear why phrases that mention "God" are perfectly fine in government documents.
But my fifth grade social studies teacher was such a sweet lady!