Someone mentioned haircuts and likened them to physical standards... I hate arguments over the PRT because it usually revolves around misunderstanding why the PRT exists. The PRT exists because the Navy requires its Sailors and Officers to maintain a certain level of fitness. "Be in shape" is the standard. Well, what does that mean? To put it into an objective measurement the Navy decided that its Sailors and Officers had to be in the upper 50th percentile of performance in 3 events for their age and sex, and then through some kind of research found fitness data that they could translate to scores.
It's not because the ability to do 50 or 100 or whatever pushups or to run a mile and a half in whatever time is a requirement to perform your daily duties. That is an excuse fat Sailors use to complain about being on FEP.
Is it perfect? No. I certainly question where the performance data comes from, the height/weight charts, at least for men, don't scale properly with height and the rope-and-choke is woefully inaccurate. Nevertheless, that is how the Navy defines when someone is physically fit. It's clearly defined and it's measured every spring and fall.
This is different than a minimum requirement to perform your duties, such as knowing the rules of the road or handling 2 contacts in a dip scope routine. If you can't do that, you're not safe. If you're not safe, you won't have much of a Naval career.
If you wanted to do a functional fitness test in the Navy, we could institute the
applicable parts of the CPAT, and do it in the most confined spaace of the ship. Because at least firefighting directly translates to something that Sailors have to physically do, except I'm pretty sure that at least 80% of them would fail the test.
What does this have to do with haircuts? Absolutely nothing. Which is kind of the point - there are times when acknowledging biological differences between men and women make sense, and there are times that it doesn't. Haircuts aren't one of those times. Either everyone should get bad haircuts, or no one gets bad haircuts.