I think we should leave it as it is. Men get their head shorn, women do whatever they feel like.
Learn about the double standard early so as not to set any unrealistic expectations regarding "gender equality" (hint: there isn't any) in the "fleet."
So, your logic is that since men have to get a one time bad haircut and women don't have their heads shaved, this then means that women are allowed to do whatever they want...... That savors of resentment, not reason. There are still many restrictions on women's hair (especially considering the wide variety of things they like to do to it)
...... As to the fleet, there may be some different standards (read it..... Different Standards do not equal Double Standards) for men and women when it comes to anything of a physical nature (including appearance), but women are held to the same job standards as any man. As linguists, we have some specific job standards to maintain.... if you fail, you fail, your gender does not increase the amount of work you put in in certain areas and scores you receive in others, which is what you are judged on.
If there are some slight differences in physical standards, that seems reasonable. Men and women are 2 genetically different kinds of people, this will never change...... Men aren't victims because they are treated within reason on a slightly differently on a physical standard...... and the same goes for women, they are not victims because of such things as well.
Also, I only brought up the shaving of legs to point out that women understand what a pain shaving can be........ I found it offensive that so many men were whining about the annoyance of the haircut. If it truly is emotional rite and bond of brotherhood that some of you say it is, then why are you complaining about it? Shouldn't you be feeling sorry for women instead??? Women can never enjoy the bonding that goes on in the male locker rooms..... they should be pitied.