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Final Select Purgatory


Formerly SNA2007
The process for a TS is much more in-depth than for a secret. You really can't confuse the two of them...

Aaaah, no.

We'll I guess I must just have a S clearance, but I know we needed interim S clearances for mid cruises so advanced studs going to the boat would need some form of clearance. Probably not TS though.


In it for the naked volleyball
The process for a TS is much more in-depth than for a secret. You really can't confuse the two of them...

I'm confused as to why they're wasting money doing interviews with the applicants for a Secret. Maybe that's the new SOP (and probably not a bad idea), but when I joined in 2002 getting a Secret required absolutely no interviewing of anyone. Not only that, but an O-5 or above can basically hand out interim Secret clearances at will.

Outside of them actually interviewing me and it taking forever (~18 months after submitting it the 3rd time), the Top Secret and Secret clearances seemed identical. For the people conducting the investigation it's obviously much more in depth, but for the applicant it wasn't in my case.


New Member
Same here. Since I was moved to Pilot, I had to practically get my security clearance re-vamped. I was selected NFO, and didn't have to worry about top secret clearance. My last interview is next week, and after that, if all goes well I SHOULD get my FS letter and my official contract.

I talked to my processor today and he said my package is complete, but they don't have a date for me because everything's filled until August/September. So now it's just waiting some more for a spot to open up. It's a little relief that I'm done on my end, but the wait is going to be torture.


Looks like I'm in this boat, too. Flew through MEPS and was out by 1030 last Wednesday, went by my recruiter's office to have fingerprints taken, and was told that everything is complete that needs to be for now. He said I should hear something in the next couple of weeks, but he imagines for sure by the end of the month. I'm hoping to have a date sometime in June or July. We'll see, though.


That would make you Candios for the October class...hmm not sure if that would be worse than going when it snows.... ;-)


Looking forward to some P-8 action
I'm not completely out yet but I was told I'm penciled in for an August 2011 OCS date.

That's great news two! I kind of wish you were going to the March one wtih me. Having a another prior or two around seems like it would help, but I suppose they're sending you for a FY12 graduation.


That's great news two! I kind of wish you were going to the March one wtih me. Having a another prior or two around seems like it would help, but I suppose they're sending you for a FY12 graduation.

Yea, March would have been Amazing. I was hoping to be gone at the latest in April but I'm just going with the flow right now. I will take whatever I can. Either way we will more than likely be in P-Cola around the same time. We will be snagging a beer or two when we're not studying our faces off! ;)


Pro Rec (again): 21 Jan 2011 SNA (declined for SEAL)
FS (1st time): 8 Feb 2011
Sworn in: going 15 Feb 2011 to sign papers/swear in/get ID I'm told. Seems a little fast from what I'm reading. I will let you guys know more on Tuesday. I had my security interview this past week and she said she is on orders to finish my file by monday morning. My recruiter has told me to invite my family on tuesday to the Ceremony. I just haven't seen/signed any commitment yet. Just seems like the process is fast. I was expecting a serious wait. I graduate college in May 2011 and I'm also told I have an OCS date for August.