Hi everyone! It's been awhile since my last post, but I thought I'd share some info. I've been in purgatory since I was pro-rec'd waaay back in October because I still don't have a FS Select letter in hand. My unofficial ship date is August 28, but I'm still in the holding pattern until the FY12 numbers are approved.
With that said, I called my recruiter earlier today and he said that 'they' (not sure who 'they' are) were calling around looking for people that would be available to leave early on June 26 to fill some vacant spots. I told him I would be available to leave ASAP and he said he would make a note of it even though I don't have a letter yet. But for you guys with FS letters with dates later in the year, you might wanna give your recruiter a call if you wanna leave earlier. Good Luck!
Do you have any more details about that? I'd be interested; but I'd like to have more than hearsay to bring to my recruiter.