beau said:STJ-8 Retirer. Southwest (airlines) Transition Jet and the 8 for the max number of years the guy will stay in the Navy! and retirer speaks for itself
Perfect. Couldn't be any perfecter.
beau said:STJ-8 Retirer. Southwest (airlines) Transition Jet and the 8 for the max number of years the guy will stay in the Navy! and retirer speaks for itself
zab1001 said:Main Entry: 1tri·ton
Pronunciation: 'trI-t&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek TritOn
1 capitalized : a son of Poseidon described as a demigod of the sea with the lower part of his body like that of a fish
2 [New Latin, genus name, from Latin Triton] : any of various large marine gastropod mollusks (especially family Ranellidae) with a heavy elongated conical shell; also : the shell
Has an official nickname been found for the P-8 yet? I was searching and I haven't found anything pertaining to a nickname for it. Anybody got any suggestions on what to call it? I think Poseidon sounds cool.