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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
This is the guidance that i recieved from the STA-21 guys

Add the raw scores above the grade of each section and have your PRT coordinator certify the document to be a true copy and sign it.

Did anyone else have to do this? Thanks


New Member
I am Active Duty Navy now and am looking in to applying for OCS in a non-aviation field. Any tips as to studying for the OAR portion of the exam or where I can find study materials?



New Member
Can anyone shed light on this?

OPNAV states interview boards (external and internal) are comprised of URL officers, that are 03 and above. STA websites states O3 and above, and didnt mention whether URL, RL, Staff etc...

The officers in my command are all Staff (AMDO, SUPPO). No CO but an officer-in-charge, and our AOIC is in LDO. Am I screwed?

I have two interviews on the 15th, to satisfy the HRO option reqmt. But my DIVO has no clue who else should be in the internal/external boards on top of the HRO's that I am scheduled to see...


New Member
Quick question. My ASTB scores havn't come in yet and I'm going to have to send them in separately from my package. Should I edit the Enclosures section of the cover letter by removing the part that says "Certified Copy of ASTB scores"? After this is done, should I mention in the package anywhere that the ASTB scores will be arriving later?
My question for former selectees is: how much do the command ranking boards really matter?

My situation is: I was selected as an alternate last year, but since PCS'ed to a new command. I have a 28/24 ACT, Associate's Degree, LOR's from 0-6's and an Admiral, SW/AW qualed, LOAs from 2 generals, 3 EP evals and 1 MP, I am an E-6 under 4 years of service, numerous schools/certs, and so on. Basically, I feel like I am a really strong candidate (not to toot my own horn). Everyone else thinks so, including all of my interview boards in which I got almost all 10's and really strong comments. However, my command had the chiefs rank the candidates and they ranked me 3 of 6. That may not be too bad, and I might be making a mountain out of a mole hill. However, I feel that a three is terrible when I compare my package with the other candidates and am very upset with that number. Therefore, how much does that "3 of 6" on your CO Recommendation really matter? Thanks for the help.​


New Member
Question about external board:
I have my external board this afternoon, with a squadron. I am applying for the Intel as a target option and Core as secondary. They don’t have an Intel officer, and unfortunately my command is the only Intel command in the area.
Instruction 1420.1B 8-12
Although not stated on the form, board members shall annotate their rank, designator, and job title on their respective appraisal sheets. The following exceptions apply: CEC, NC, MC, special duty officer (Intel), SWO IP/IW/ED/OCEANO options, HR, and SC applicants should have at least one officer from their prospective community on the board.

According to the instruction, am I basically out of luck? Is there a work around for this issue? Has this been an issue for anyone else?


Well-Known Member
You are not out of luck. Annotate it on your Commanding Officer's endorsement why you didn't have an Intel O on your external board. My internal board consisted of 2 LDO's and 1 CWO. As long you state why you used them you'll be okay.


New Member

@WeatherGoddessI did the same thing for the enclosures, I did some labels on Word and tried my best to make them look uniform. I just turned in my package on Saturday.
I got a couple of questions:

Does everybody has to go through BOOST before NSI?
What are the dates for BOOST?
How about NSI?

I read somewhere that NSI happends only twice a year (Feb and May).
Thanks for your support,


Well-Known Member
No more BOOST, only NSI.

NSI does happen twice a year...Feb/May.

As for enclosures, anybody ever heard of a typewriter?


New Member
I was forced to use a typewritter for my appraisal sheets and I must say it looks a lot better that the "sticky labels" from word.

Anyways I got a situation that I would like to share, I need some advice.

So I hit my PRD on Oct 1st 2010, I transfer to shore duty, just don't have the paper copy of orders yet. The instruction says that if you receive orders after July 1st, you must stay in your command until you receive the results for STA-21. My ship goes on deployment on October 1st and the results don't come out until October 20(aprox). Does that mean that I have to go on deployment to find out if I made it? I understand that if I don't I will transfer to shore duty right away (at least thats what the instruction says). What if I get selected for STA-21, I would have to stay on deployment until February or May depending on my NSI date. I am not complaining about deployment, it is just that I would like to plan ahead. Any ideas/suggestions?
Thanks again


New Member
Here is a question. For the external board, does the chairperson count as the third? Or are we talking about 3 officers PLUS a chairperson?