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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Well-Known Member
While I've always understood that the Intel process included a panel interview, in the 5 years I've been applying to the IDC community I've never had to, or been asked to, sit an interview panel. So that would not seem to apply in my previous case.
I believe we have found the issue, on the DCO checklist item 103, specifies a panel interview must be done with at least an O-5 or above and a O-4 or above and the applicant must have an endorsement by the region IDC OIC.

If the weren't doing this for you your chances are essentially non existant, and I am wondering if your application was actually sent to board.


I believe we have found the issue, on the DCO checklist item 103, specifies a panel interview must be done with at least an O-5 or above and a O-4 or above and the applicant must have an endorsement by the region IDC OIC.

Perhaps. The term 'panel' could also be an issue. I have had many interviews (1131/5) in my packages, although I have not been directed to renew them from board to board. Last I checked, I had 5 officer interviews (as indicated some distance above):

O-6 - Former PERS-47 community manager (2x, 1st as O-5, then O-6)
O-6 - @ N6 Pac Fleet
O-5 - Deputy CIO @ 3rd Fleet
O-4 - (1325) Not IDC
All scored me 10's.

If the term "panel" is meant to include a single panel with multiple sitting officers, when was that PA established? At no time has any recruiter (or the OPO for that matter) ever stated that I would need to sit a panel review. If that was actually the case, I'd say I was pretty much shanghai'd by the NRD, and never stood a chance at NRC. Then again, they never lifted a finger to assist with the age waiver either. One of my officer interviewers did.

If the weren't doing this for you your chances are essentially non existant, and I am wondering if your application was actually sent to board.

As for whether my packages were even being sent to the boards, NRC has previously confirmed that three of my packages were submitted and reviewed. However, the status of errant package #1 wound up netting a discussion and review with NRC directly.[/quote]


Well-Known Member
Perhaps. The term 'panel' could also be an issue. I have had many interviews (1131/5) in my packages, although I have not been directed to renew them from board to board. Last I checked, I had 5 officer interviews (as indicated some distance above):

O-6 - Former PERS-47 community manager (2x, 1st as O-5, then O-6)
O-6 - @ N6 Pac Fleet
O-5 - Deputy CIO @ 3rd Fleet
O-4 - (1325) Not IDC
All scored me 10's.

If the term "panel" is meant to include a single panel with multiple sitting officers, when was that PA established? At no time has any recruiter (or the OPO for that matter) ever stated that I would need to sit a panel review. If that was actually the case, I'd say I was pretty much shanghai'd by the NRD, and never stood a chance at NRC. Then again, they never lifted a finger to assist with the age waiver either. One of my officer interviewers did.

As for whether my packages were even being sent to the boards, NRC has previously confirmed that three of my packages were submitted and reviewed. Package #1, however, subsequently wound up netting a discussion with NRC directly.

you could probably get around the panel if the right mix of officers interview were done, I have been told the region IDC OIC is required as that is who you would be working for, but I don't know if they would overlook that with a CM interview. This requirement has been in place for at least 3 years.

There are 3 NRD's that I have heard bad/similar stories from New England, Atlanta, and Chicago others have had issues but not as bad as these.


As for whether my packages were even being sent to the boards, NRC has previously confirmed that three of my packages were submitted and reviewed. However, the status of errant package #1 wound up netting a discussion and review with NRC directly.

Correction: NRC confirmed two. #4 (March 2011) was late, and #5 (Sept. 2011) was declined ostensibly due to age.


IP Officer USNR
I should be looking good based on the statments posted here about the need for panel interviews and regional IDC OIC’s. I had a Panel interview with an O5 and two O4’s and another interview with an O6, 05 and 03. I also decided to double down and went to interview with two different regional IDC OIC’s. These were two separate interviews. One, I took time off from work to attend the other was during a drill weekend. They were both impressed that I was willing to take the extra initiative and said that having 2 regional IDC OIC’s would definitely help me standout.

I think the way to go is to do something a little different. Just having the experience and a CISSP is not enough these days.


Well-Known Member
Final numbers for 19-22MAR12 IDC RC PR:

243 packages for the following slots:

INTEL - 59
IP - 9
IW - 8

It looks like they are doubling what the need for FY 12 to ensure they make goal which is not surprising consider the numbers that drop off after selection, it will probably be first come first serve when the results come out for FY12 with the rest being pushed to FY13.


IW Officer
Prior service (USAF); <4 years. Honorable Discharge.
-- (as far as I know, <4 just means I won't get O-1E)...
B.Sc. Network Technologies (GPA 3.26) (2007)
M.Sc. Computer, Information Systems and Network Security (GPA 3.87) (2008)
Numerous LORs from Academia (Professors) and Industry (Directors/Managers), Including 1x Ret. USN O-8.
15+ years in IT/Security industry, with progressive responsibilities/leadership. Last 2+ in DOD contracting.
-- [13 months as Regional (Midwest) IAO for USN Ech-II command. (2010)]
Certs: CISSP, CHFI, CEH, ITILv3; CNSSI 4011, 4013
Fully cleared SSBI in JPAS.
5x Officer interviews (all 10s), 4 from the IDC community.
Granted age waiver from community manager.

Getting ready to apply again (1815/1825). Probably missed spring due date, may have to wait for Sept. Not holding my breath for 5 slots and 200+ candidates, but can't give up now. Next package will be #6? Losing count.
Have to concur with the others on here in that your packet is most impressive. In fact, yours seems very similar to mine except you have more certs, a longer work history, better references, and a higher GPA! There are only two differences that I can see. 1.) My educational background is a bit more computer science (read: mathematics/programing) then IT related, and 2.) You have about 20 years on me.

While I agree that the age waiver should equalize things (it would if I were on the board!), I can also image the them looking at the simple fact that if we select an individual that is 30 years old, we can get 30+ years service out of him, where as a 50 year old we can get 12, max. But then again, why give you a waiver if they wouldn't consider you in the first place?

Regardless of all that though, in your shoes I would do exactly what you've been doing: keep plugging away until they can't ignore me any more. :)


Have to concur with the others on here in that your packet is most impressive. In fact, yours seems very similar to mine except you have more certs, a longer work history, better references, and a higher GPA! There are only two differences that I can see. 1.) My educational background is a bit more computer science (read: mathematics/programing) then IT related, and 2.) You have about 20 years on me.


While I agree that the age waiver should equalize things (it would if I were on the board!), I can also image the them looking at the simple fact that if we select an individual that is 30 years old, we can get 30+ years service out of him, where as a 50 year old we can get 12, max. But then again, why give you a waiver if they wouldn't consider you in the first place?

Actually, the math (now) would be 12 + prior service. So, not so much now...

But back when I started (4 years ago) the equation was:
<accrued prior service> + 4 (time elapsed) + 12 (now, forward) = Potential Career
That means I could have gotten to approx. 18+ years, and then + (any variance if the 'auto-out' became a moving target in the future [aging workforce]). And if that were ever the case, I might have not even have had to waiver the last few years until a real retirement. And sadly, I didn't need the bloody age waiver back when I started.

Regardless of all that though, in your shoes I would do exactly what you've been doing: keep plugging away until they can't ignore me any more. :)

That's the plan. Only problem over time is:
a) keeping up the head of steam it takes to keep plugging away, and
b) staying on target with my PFA.


IW Officer

Actually, the math (now) would be 12 + prior service. So, not so much now...

But back when I started (4 years ago) the equation was:
<accrued prior service> + 4 (time elapsed) + 12 (now, forward) = Potential Career
That means I could have gotten to approx. 18+ years, and then + (any variance if the 'auto-out' became a moving target in the future [aging workforce]). And if that were ever the case, I might have not even have had to waiver the last few years until a real retirement. And sadly, I didn't need the bloody age waiver back when I started.

That's the plan. Only problem over time is:
a) keeping up the head of steam it takes to keep plugging away, and
b) staying on target with my PFA.
Its a tough situation, no doubt about it. Just make sure at the end, whatever the result, you pushed your hardest. That way there are no regrets if things don't turn out, and if they do, it makes the victory that much sweeter!