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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


FY10 Core Selectee
Ok..I know I saw that someone had applied to A&M in College Station , but on the college list that I'm looking at it doesn't list it. Does someone have ALL the college listings? These are the only ones that I am finding:

Please post the link of another site if you have one..Thanks!


You can apply to any college on this site, unless 1) you are going nuclear, then you are limited to those listed above; 2) you are going nursing, then you are limited to those listed on the linked site with RN next to them.


AC -> OC -> O3E
Ok..I know I saw that someone had applied to A&M in College Station , but on the college list that I'm looking at it doesn't list it. Does someone have ALL the college listings? These are the only ones that I am finding:

Maybe you are looking at the Nuke option list of approved schools. Texas A&M is an approved NROTC for you to attend.

BTW, I know a guy who heard from a guy that saw on TV a guy say he knows a guy that read that the results aren't going to come out until next summer. :eek:


New Member
Is anyone even able to check message traffic that's on aw tonight? Also, is it still "at legal" for anyone that may know?


New Member
Maybe you are looking at the Nuke option list of approved schools. Texas A&M is an approved NROTC for you to attend.

I do believe I was looking at the Nuke option list. My husband applied Nuke a couple of years ago, but this year he didn't, so I was going by what he was looking at last time. Thanks for all the help!


New Member
I guess it's over for tonight........ Gonna watch Grey's Anatomy then take a sleeping pill and hope to not grind my teeth down to nubs while I sleep. Tomorrow HAS to be the day....right?? :eek:


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
Just to let you know, all the AW Mods ridicule us; pretty much think we are a bunch of 'tards... I can see their point. This is getting ridiculous...


New Member
fc2spyguy said:
One only needs to look at the FY10 STA-21 thread to see how full retard works when people have nothing but time and are anxiously awaiting some information.

^^^ Don't be this guy^^^

Right, like you weren't going "full retard" late October 2004 when you were on Air Warriors anxiously awaiting the results of YOUR STA-21 results...why don't you quit lurking and posting on our thread and stick to being "that guy" who has obviously ALREADY forgotten where he came from...unbelievable...get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Don't be this guy^^^

Right, like you weren't going "full retard" late October 2004 when you were on Air Warriors anxiously awaiting the results of YOUR STA-21 results...why don't you quit lurking and posting on our thread and stick to being "that guy" who has obviously ALREADY forgotten where he came from...unbelievable...get over yourself.

Enough with the bashing. All of you are all anxious and want to know the results yesterday. We know that. But you do have to admit this thread has gotten a little absurd.


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
I need some help folks.... I got bored and did a little research, but in order for it to work i need some more numbers:

STA-21 FY09 there were approx 1,000 applicants, only 682 were board eligible..... of those only 210 were selected (not including alternates), and of those only 40 selected for Pilot, and 45 CORE....... anyone know how many applicants we had this year? How about this year’s quota????


New Member
Enough with the bashing. All of you are all anxious and want to know the results yesterday. We know that. But you do have to admit this thread has gotten a little absurd.

What is absurd about people having other people to vent to who are in the situation that they are in? I think this thread is great networking and showing awesome support to your comrades.

You are no longer in this situation, so you don't get an opinion. As you know this is a life changing message everyone is waiting on, so yes people are a little stressed by the fact that we have been waiting FOREVER to find out what the direction our careers and the rest of our lives will take.

Either offer something constructive or leave it alone.

Man, what is with all the prior applicants who want to say we are crazy for stressing over the results and "just chill"


New Member
But you do have to admit this thread has gotten a little absurd.

I don't really think so.

Lots of people deal with anxiety by venting it to others. Most people at work haven't really gone through anything like this, so its hard for them to relate. This is a good little group of guys who are all going through the same thing and experiencing the same emotions.

The fact that the thread is 1700 posts strong is a product of the ridiculous wait we've had to endure.

Absurd? Not really. I'd say its strangely therapeutic.