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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


Future SNFO
Enough with the bashing. All of you are all anxious and want to know the results yesterday. We know that. But you do have to admit this thread has gotten a little absurd.

absurd yes, but at the same time when everyone is waiting for the same thing its nice to have people to chat it up with that are in the exact same boat. And as far as the results go i would have to say that its pretty natural to be excited and worried about a life changing list. Blowing off steam on here has definitely helped me take my mind off of the list.


Future SNFO
The fact that the thread is 1700 posts strong is a product of the ridiculous wait we've had to endure.

Absurd? Not really. I'd say its strangely therapeutic.

Totally agree, if you look at I'm pretty sure last couple year's threads followed the same pattern even though theirs came out three weeks before ours.


Well-Known Member
Either offer something constructive or leave it alone. Man, what is with all the prior applicants who want to say we are crazy for stressing over the results and "just chill"

What I find absurd is the amount of people who post "I can't log onto NPC/STA-21! What does that mean? Can you log onto NPC?" That my friend is not constructive whatsoever and adds nothing to the topic of discussion. AW is a great source of knowledge and the networking that comes with it is exponential.

While I'm at it Chief, show some tact. Your anxious and stressed I know and its all reasonably understandable. But don't blow up at the guys who've been in your shoes. If you get selected, then next year you'll be on the other side and understand where we are coming from. We all know where we came from. You don't have to remind us.

And yes I'm just as excited as you all to find out this years results.


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
I need some help folks.... I got bored and did a little research, but in order for it to work i need some more numbers:

STA-21 FY09 there were approx 1,000 applicants, only 682 were board eligible..... of those only 210 were selected (not including alternates), and of those only 40 selected for Pilot, and 45 CORE....... anyone know how many applicants we had this year? How about this year’s quota????

NM, I found them....... as a Pilot applicant who made board- the chances of selection (based on last years quota's) are initially 54% and then if not selected for Pilot, but CORE as a secondary option, you have a 31% chance of selection........ pretty good odds- better than most advancement exams 'eh?


New Member
What I find absurd is the amount of people who post "I can't log onto NPC/STA-21! What does that mean? Can you log onto NPC?" That my friend is not constructive whatsoever and adds nothing to the topic of discussion. AW is a great source of knowledge and the networking that comes with it is exponential.

While I'm at it Chief, show some tact. Your anxious and stressed I know and its all reasonably understandable. But don't blow up at the guys who've been in your shoes. If you get selected, then next year you'll be on the other side and understand where we are coming from. We all know where we came from. You don't have to remind us.

And yes I'm just as excited as you all to find out this years results.

I am not expecting something constructive from people who are on here looking for results...just from individuals like you who have no vested interest in this year's results, so have no reason to be on here unless you want to provide something constructive...again, you don't get an opinion on how WE should be feeling or what WE want to post.

And no, you don't all remember where you came from...that comment was not directed to you...it was to the individual who wanted to blast us in the middle of a thread about the missing pilots out of Corpus Christi...you want to talk about not showing tact.


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
I am not expecting something constructive from people who are on here looking for results...just from individuals like you who have no vested interest in this year's results, so have no reason to be on here unless you want to provide something constructive...again, you don't get an opinion on how WE should be feeling or what WE want to post.

And no, you don't all remember where you came from...that comment was not directed to you...it was to the individual who wanted to blast us in the middle of a thread about the missing pilots out of Corpus Christi...you want to talk about not showing tact.

Nicely put, my good sir.


Well-Known Member
It's funny to see that you guys have used "group think" to convince yourselves this thread isn't gay. I've tried several times to change the conversation to stuff that actually mattered like ROTC and your future, but all you guys talk about is how crappy of a deal you are getting because "some Admiral" is making you wait three whole extra weeks for results.

Don't be the OC who walks around with some weird sense of entitlement just because you got picked up for this program. Getting picked up doesn't mean shit when the rest of your peers are OC's too. Selection is the beginning of a long road of waiting and learning. There is a lot more to the officer community than just a bigger paycheck and better lifestyle, and whining about what you think is a shitty deal isn't one of them. Trust me, NSI, college, and ROTC are full of just as much BS as the fleet, probably more.

And gjhouston, who the fuck are you to decide who gets an opinion? From now on it's Officer Candidate HAUBBY to you...


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
I am not expecting something constructive from people who are on here looking for results...just from individuals like you who have no vested interest in this year's results, so have no reason to be on here unless you want to provide something constructive...again, you don't get an opinion on how WE should be feeling or what WE want to post.

And no, you don't all remember where you came from...that comment was not directed to you...it was to the individual who wanted to blast us in the middle of a thread about the missing pilots out of Corpus Christi...you want to talk about not showing tact.

First of all, the point I made over there was valid. It's a veritable shit storm in here watching you guys post waiting for information. I haven't been lurking, I've been noticing the number of posts increase at an exponential rate the further along that results are delayed. My point was, over there, that when people are dying for information, some people who have the information will go to the ends of the earth to show someone how important they are. This is the reason that people need to stfu wrt any kind of incident. I simply used this thread to make a point.

Yeah, what ever comment it was that you wanted to make was directed towards me. One day you may realize that your idea of remembering where you came from will change drastically. If you got your feelings hurt by my comments I have attached a form for you to fill out post haste, as you will need it.:D

Constructive, if you search in the bowels of this thread, back when constructive thought still existed in the thread, you will find that I did post constructively. Also, you may note that a sticky on here that answers many of the basic questions wrt the application process. I'm certain many people have gained from it. I don't know if it's outdated, how about one of you guys make another one and do something to help the guys behind you.

Oh, wrt the 'full retard,' have none of you seen tropic thunder?!?:confused:


  • Whiney form.pdf
    146.5 KB · Views: 19


FY-11 STA-21 Pilot Applicant
i'll agree that this thread is mostly pointless jabber between applicants and wannabe's, and there has been some inciteful information passed down from prior selects, but "full retard" is just now starting to show up.

Bashing each other is a good way to get this thread locked, and its pointless.


New Member
It's funny to see that you guys have used "group think" to convince yourselves this thread isn't gay. I've tried several times to change the conversation to stuff that actually mattered like ROTC and your future, but all you guys talk about is how crappy of a deal you are getting because "some Admiral" is making you wait three whole extra weeks for results.

Don't be the OC who walks around with some weird sense of entitlement just because you got picked up for this program. Getting picked up doesn't mean shit when the rest of your peers are OC's too. Selection is the beginning of a long road of waiting and learning. There is a lot more to the officer community than just a bigger paycheck and better lifestyle, and whining about what you think is a shitty deal isn't one of them. Trust me, NSI, college, and ROTC are full of just as much BS as the fleet, probably more.

And gjhouston, who the fuck are you to decide who gets an opinion? From now on it's Officer Candidate HAUBBY to you...

No one gets an opinion on how they think I should feel...this stuff makes me laugh out loud...and now we are trying to pull RANK on here LOL...that is some funny shit...Feel free to call me Chief...this is what is absurd! Give me a break...PM any further issues you have with me...this is ridiculous. OUT


New Member
From now on it's Officer Candidate HAUBBY to you...

I'm not wanting to get involved in the pissing match here, but you cannot possibly be serious with this (the above quoted) comment...

Yes, there is "worthless" venting in here. Not much, if any, of it is constructive in any sense. But really, who cares? This will all be over soon enough.


Well-Known Member
I'm not wanting to get involved in the pissing match here, but you cannot possibly be serious with this (the above quoted) comment...

Yes, there is "worthless" venting in here. Not much, if any, of it is constructive in any sense. But really, who cares? This will all be over soon enough.

Sorry...insert :D:D:D for the sensative types out there...


New Member
Sorry...insert :D:D:D for the sensative types out there...

Whoa, whoa! I'm not being sensitive. If you read that line in the context of the post it sounds serious due to coming at the end of a pretty serious thought.

Good to know that you're not being serious, however.
