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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


I am the hunted


New Member
Seriously? You all are arguing on the internet. And you put in for an officer program because "you are mature and ready to become one of the Navy's new leaders"? Like the quote, "Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics: Even if you win, YOU ARE STILL RETARDED." So let's knock it off, even though it is a good way to get to 2000 (which I'm a huge fan of), but really...don't do that.


FY-11 STA-21 Pilot Applicant
so, to talk about something more relevant...

ARE any of the prior selects in here currently going to API?


FY-11 STA-21 Pilot Applicant
aviation pre-flight indoc.....

the reason i ask is that if i don't get selected, i will be x-fering to p-cola to be an instructor at the survival school (NSTI) down there. i wanted to know from the students perspective what it was like.


New Member
So, has anyone taken/taking classes through Excelsior College? If so, has anyone found an ROTC affiliated college that will accept transfer credits from them?


New Member

Ok ... First of all, this is funny.

Secondly, I'd just like to say that everyone on this post should realize that anyone you talk to on this post is going to be someone that if selected you will work alongside as an officer, or if not selected, you might work for. For those who have already been selected, try to show some respect for the stress that all of the applicants are going through. I know that the reason you guys and gals are back is because you actually care about those who have been in your shoes.

Let's all try to relax and be positive for tomorrow. Good luck to everyone and I congratulate those already selected that want to help.


AC -> OC -> O3E
\Trust me, NSI, college, and ROTC are full of just as much BS as the fleet, probably more.

VERY True!!!!

Going from an actual "real" command to a training command is a huge culture shock. NSI is all the fun and games of bootcamp over again which isn't too bad. The hardest thing for me so far is getting use to life as an OC at my ROTC unit. You guys will see, the BS is FAR from over.


1st Timer FY10
Hey I should have access to messages tomorrow so if I see anything which, God-willing I will, I'll try to help out anyway I can. (depending if I'm running circles around the cubicles shouting "woo hoo" or hiding under the desk crying like someone stole my lollipop)!!!


Look what I can do!!
Hey guys, I know the anticipation can be brutal. I don't know what your current situations are, but the year I was selected I was on deployment and that actually helped me because I was pretty distracted. Flying every other day, eating, working out were my big things. Then one day I came back from a flight and was told to contact my XO, and then he told me the good news. I would just say find something to distract yourself with. I think monitoring this thread or any message traffic is probably just adding unnecessary stress to your life. Or if arguing with each other is what makes you feel better, then by all means, carry on. lol


FY10 Core Selectee
Wow, I seriously hope that you are not a representation of what the officer community is like, because if you are, I'm not as excited to have my husband join the ranks. You're setting a very bad example. This is a life changing moment for these men/women and their families. You already had your time so move on and let them have theirs. I know I would be personally happy if I didn't have to see anymore posts by you. Have a great day!

That is a little unfair. If you had been following the thread from the beginning, you would have seen that wlawr005 has been one of the most helpful prior selectee out there. You could say that you do not want to see more posts like the one you have quoted, but I am pretty sure many others still appreciate the info wlawr005 put out. And if selected, many of us will probably pick his brain for tips about NSI and ROTC, etc.

My advice is that don't take it too personal, he was just tired of seeing OUR mass hysteria. Being in the navy, to take a scolding or two is not a big deal. If you had people working for you, you probably dished out some once in a while too. Again, don't take it personal.


New Member
That is a little unfair. If you had been following the thread from the beginning, you would have seen that wlawr005 has been one of the most helpful prior selectee out there. You could say that you do not want to see more posts like the one you have quoted, but I am pretty sure many others still appreciate the info wlawr005 put out. And if selected, many of us will probably pick his brain for tips about NSI and ROTC, etc.

My advice is that don't take it too personal, he was just tired of seeing OUR mass hysteria. Being in the navy, to take a scolding or two is not a big deal. If you had people working for you, you probably dished out some once in a while too. Again, don't take it personal.

Your right. I just went in to protect/support mode. I'm sorry for saying that. Good luck to everyone! I really hope today is the day and that everyone can have a carefree Halloween knowing the results!