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German Aid Sent Back

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Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
Yeah, didn't you see the picture of the guy half-ejected out of an Intruder? So at least they almost work...

You completely missed the point.

kmac flies C-2s. There are no ejection seats in C-2s.


Super *********
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snizo said:
How many freighters land in the US every day from Germany and have no problem? Now which is more likely? You can make educated guesses all you want, but you have no place to say that any alternative theories are wrong because you (presumably) weren't there..

How many of those are last minute flights that didn't work the flight through the appropriate channels? My det did nothing but flew relief missions in Indonesia for 30 days straights. In the first two weeks, I think we were turned away, not allowed to land or take-off on at least 6 different occassions. So I can once again make an educated guess based on my experience. The alternative theory is off the mark, plain and simple.

snizo said:
Am I going to cry? God - what are you, 6? I'm sure everyone here is capable of telling the difference between a fact an opinion. All I said was that there are a lot of people in the mil who won't even consider that they may be wrong and that their govenment is fallible. I thought your posts put you right there among them. (Hey - thats an opinion! It doesn't matter how much you disagree with it, saying I'm going to cry about it doesn't make me think of you on any respectable level!)

I don't know, it sounds a lot like crying to me. Maybe whining. Don't worry, I'm not worried about your respecting me on any level.

snizo said:
You're right - and I have the right to think the same of your view for the same reason...

Never said you didn't :watching_


Registered User
Fly Navy said:
You completely missed the point.

kmac flies C-2s. There are no ejection seats in C-2s.

Thought we were talking about Brett's plane (Prowler, right?). But it doesn't matter...I knew neither that Kmac flies C-2s nor that they have no ejection seats...<shrug> Live and learn.


Super *********
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IRfly said:
I was wondering how long it would take before someone started talking about cocks. Strange fascination with genitals....

Gotta love naval aviation and the terms that go along with it. Then again, you would have to know naval aviation to understand.

IRfly said:
I do know government, though--at least better than I know logistics. And I know two things about governments in general: 1) Saving face is vitally important, even in the most distressing of times. Why do you think the Indonesians gave us such crap when we were trying to help them with the tsunami stuff. 2) There is ALWAYS a way to get things done.

Pretty much the only thing we agree on.

IRfly said:
Oh, and by the way...Kmac, every decent general in history has had a contingency plan for when things go wrong. That's because no one can know the future, right? That's also why your plane has ejection seats.

Are you sure this is the website for you?


Super *********
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
What exactly does that mean? "No offense"??? Sir, I'm sorry if I touched a nerve somewhere... Come on, insult me all you want, but did you really need to drag a whole Naval community (with which I have as yet had nothing to do) into it?

Number one, if you can't handle me, on the net of all places, naval aviation is not for you. I give you grief because you come across as an arrogant college student. I didn't drag the naval community into this discussion, you have attempted to come into it. If you think I'm bad, just wait, I'm just a ****ing COD driver. That is, if you even make it into the fraternity. I do have some experience in the Navy and Naval aviation. I know what I like to see with regards to our Officers and aviators. When I see what I presume to be a whiner, complainer wanting to enter the ranks, I'm going to speak up. The Navy is often made up of three types. I like to refer to them as the **** hots, average joes and the others. The smallest group is the "others" but they are usually the most vocal. They complain, *****, moan and whine constantly. They are the bottom performers but for some reason always feel they got the raw deal. Their poor performance is always due to something else. I don't see many others in the O ranks but it does happen. What I see in your posts is a lot of whining, usually about the administration, on top of the I know it all attitude. When I see that, it simply reminds me of the others.

So why **** around and waste time. Lets get it out in the open and see if you've got what it takes. That's why I give you what you perceive to be a "hard" time. I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong (except for the logistic part) but the last thing the Navy needs is another "other". When it comes to naval aviation, the officer corps, leadership, etc, you don't know jack ****. That's the way it is whether you want to accept it or not. I'm going to call it like I see it, at least on this website. That's way it goes in the military, **** travels downhill, not up.


Registered User
Reading comprehension: always an issue. My feelings are not in the least bit hurt. I just thought that it was funny how you dissed the whole NFO community (which you did--implying that my future designator somehow explained my supposed stupidity), and then said, "No offense." I don't recall having complained or whined. Maybe you could paste the quote in which I did? I didn't really like your associating NFOs with stupidity, but that's not my battle. As far as my views on the administration, I wasn't aware that disagreement was whining...If so, then the whole military was a crying baby from '93-'01. Nor was I aware that trying to ascertain intentions was whining. Wow, I do have alot to learn...

I'm trying to get down to the real meat of the issue here, though...You're saying that the whole thing with the German plane being turned back was nothing more than a logistics issue--paperwork error, lack of proper documentation, etc. I'm saying that while a logistics issue was probably involved, it's also possible that that issue was simply an excuse to refuse assistance from a country with whom this administration has had severe ideological disagreement and in whose debt I doubt George Bush wants to find himself. But what's the real problem? Is it that I'm one of those detested "college students?" You feel that simply by virtue of your age/experience that I should just shut up and walk away?

Here's where I find myself in a quandry...I'm aching to post some of my resume here, but 1) I am determined to try to maintain my anonymity (even though Steve says its impossible :D ), and 2) I've got nothing to prove. People reading it will be able to judge for themselves which of us has valid points. This discussion, however, has degenerated from one of U.S. policy to a pissing contest. And now it's morphed into why I'm a whiner, or won't succeed in the Navy, or why I need you to try to abuse me in order to see if "I've got what it takes" or whatever...

If I were talking to someone face to face and they started ranting as you have, I would walk away. But with a salute to a senior officer, of course.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
snizo said:
How many freighters land in the US every day from Germany and have no problem?

They arrive with comsumer goods and material bought by someone in this country. In other words, they are delievering specificly requested items. The clearances and documentation for anything unsually would have taken a couple days.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
IRfly A general's job is to plan for the worst-case scenario said:
You don't know much about this either. I am one of maybe two guys
on this board that worked on the staff of a four star and has experience working on a major OPLAN. The Operation Iraqi Freedom OPLAN was historicly successful. I suppose you are one of those guys that say there was no plan for the occupation or reconstruction. Well I am sure there was. It is simply part of the boiler plate. These plans are incrediably complex and follow a standard format. There was a post invasion/reconstruction plan. And there were alternatives. That things haven't gone so well is not because anyone at CENTCOM wrote a bad plan or led the troops poorly, it is because information (intel) used in formulating the plan was flawed. That isn't Gen Franks fault. He had the best intel the country made available to him. No one expected how badly the disrepair of the infastruction was, nor how badly a small number of sunnis and foreign fighters would resist. Those that argued for more troops did so largely for other reasons then what we encounter in Iraq today. As our troops roared across Iraq I would bet you a keg of beer most who insisted more troops were necessary were thinking they made fools of themselves. If they appear more right now it is an unfortunate coincidence. Nearly 10% of the American public believe Elvis is alive. That you can find people that called for more troops is no surprise. That doesn't make them visionary, hyper intelligent or even right.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
And for another well informed opinion of the fed response to Katrina see the article I posted (in full, sorry) elsewhere in this forum.


Super *********
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
Reading comprehension: always an issue. My feelings are not in the least bit hurt. I just thought that it was funny how you dissed the whole NFO community (which you did--implying that my future designator somehow explained my supposed stupidity), and then said, "No offense." I don't recall having complained or whined. Maybe you could paste the quote in which I did? I didn't really like your associating NFOs with stupidity, but that's not my battle. As far as my views on the administration, I wasn't aware that disagreement was whining...If so, then the whole military was a crying baby from '93-'01. Nor was I aware that trying to ascertain intentions was whining. Wow, I do have alot to learn...

Your feelings are hurt, otherwise you wouldn't respond. Your stupidity is yours and yours alone though you wanting to be an NFO simply doesn't surprise me. Don't even pretend you know anything when it comes to the NFO community. I would refer to you as an other but since you haven yet to make it into the Navy in general, you are simply a wannabe other. You're right about one thing, you have a lot to learn. This is whining or *****ing if you will:

IRfly said:
IMHO, never in American history (with the exception, perhaps, of Ulysses Grant) has the nation gone so far downhill so fast and in so many ways and the President gets re-elected as with the first term of G.W. Bush. ., This is the guy who couldn't even think of something he'd done wrong during the election (third debate, towards the end). There are always going to be people who want to blame everything on him unjustly, but that doesn't mean that they're actually right part of the time. And then it blows my mind that guys like George Tenet (JUNK intel) and Tommy Franks (either completely incompetent or guilty of dereliction of duty) were awarded Medals of Freedom.

There's something bigger, something political going on her. It smells like we're trying to punish others by hurting ourselves.

IRfly said:
I'm trying to get down to the real meat of the issue here, though...You're saying that the whole thing with the German plane being turned back was nothing more than a logistics issue--paperwork error, lack of proper documentation, etc. I'm saying that while a logistics issue was probably involved, it's also possible that that issue was simply an excuse to refuse assistance from a country with whom this administration has had severe ideological disagreement and in whose debt I doubt George Bush wants to find himself. But what's the real problem? Is it that I'm one of those detested "college students?" You feel that simply by virtue of your age/experience that I should just shut up and walk away?

The real meat of the issue is that I made an educated guess as to the more likely scenario. Is another reason possible? Sure. Is it likely, IMO...no.

IRfly said:
Here's where I find myself in a quandry...I'm aching to post some of my resume here, but 1) I am determined to try to maintain my anonymity (even though Steve says its impossible :D ), and 2) I've got nothing to prove. People reading it will be able to judge for themselves which of us has valid points. This discussion, however, has degenerated from one of U.S. policy to a pissing contest. And now it's morphed into why I'm a whiner, or won't succeed in the Navy, or why I need you to try to abuse me in order to see if "I've got what it takes" or whatever...

If I were talking to someone face to face and they started ranting as you have, I would walk away. But with a salute to a senior officer, of course.

By all means, if you think your resume or experience gives you an upper hand, post it. Don't **** around with threats, do it. Remember, cock strong, not weak dick. I'm glad you've accepted the fact that yes, you are a whiner. I've seen a lot in my almost 13 years active duty and I will call it like I see it. It's good that you will salute a senior officer, of course you have to become an officer first.


Registered User
Alright, alright...I give up. We'll let General Franks off the hook. And President Bush. And, while we're at it, everyone else...Nothing is anybody's fault. This country finds itself currently more screwed than at any other point in recent history, but that's just the result of the buffetings of history against which we helplessly thrash.

So tell me...These days, what is the President responsible for? Is he responsible for appointing competent people to important positions? Apparently not. Who was responsible for the disaster in Iraq? No one suspected... True, no one suspected that the Republican guard wouldn't stand and fight toe-to-toe with the most advanced army in the world. They instead decided to melt away and start a guerilla war. That's called a tactic. When an enemy employs a tactic that no one suspects, that's called generals getting caught with their pants down. In history, they usually call such generals "unsuccessful" rather than "heroes." But no one is responsible, right? Good thing that the "grown-ups" are back in the White House...


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
.[/I] True, no one suspected that the Republican guard wouldn't stand and fight toe-to-toe with the most advanced army in the world. They instead decided to melt away and start a guerilla war. That's called a tactic. When an enemy employs a tactic that no one suspects, that's called generals getting caught with their pants down.

It isn't the Republican Guard blowing themsleves up in the streets of Iraq or placing IEDs roadside. The RG is defeated.

IRfly said:
In history, they usually call such generals "unsuccessful" rather than "heroes." But no one is responsible, right? Good thing that the "grown-ups" are back in the White House...

By your account history has bestowed honors on quiet of few generals and admirals that don't deserve it. I'll wait for history to play out.
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