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German Aid Sent Back

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Super *********
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IRfly said:
Alright, alright...I give up. We'll let General Franks off the hook. And President Bush. And, while we're at it, everyone else...Nothing is anybody's fault. This country finds itself currently more screwed than at any other point in recent history, but that's just the result of the buffetings of history against which we helplessly thrash.

So tell me...These days, what is the President responsible for? Is he responsible for appointing competent people to important positions? Apparently not. Who was responsible for the disaster in Iraq? No one suspected... True, no one suspected that the Republican guard wouldn't stand and fight toe-to-toe with the most advanced army in the world. They instead decided to melt away and start a guerilla war. That's called a tactic. When an enemy employs a tactic that no one suspects, that's called generals getting caught with their pants down. In history, they usually call such generals "unsuccessful" rather than "heroes." But no one is responsible, right? Good thing that the "grown-ups" are back in the White House...

Once again, whining. Finger pointing and complaining is a waste of time. Learning from mistakes to make things better is the way to go. Your distate for the administration simply pours through your posts. Try reading Gen Franks book, it sheds some light on why he did what he did.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
Who is responsible for what again?

GW and the congress that supported him are responsible for going to war in Iraq. You are b!tching about a chapter in a novel still being written. When all turns out well I am sure that there will be plenty of folks willing to take responsiblitiy for the positve out comes in the region. Just cool your jets and wait a few years. If you are luck (lucky to be slected for NFO) when you get winged and into the RAG things will likely look much better for the whole region.


Just another frustrated observer.
Man, I hope for this guys sake he doesn't get into the military. I personally have never served, but I at least have enough experience to know we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. It's okay to express your opinion, but trying to prove that someone with tons more experience than you is wrong, is just stupid. Shut up and read what these guys have to say, and if you disagree, do it with respect and with at least a little indication that you don't think you know everything.

And from an outsiders point of view, you did sound like you were about to cry.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Cougar_62 said:
Man, I hope for this guys sake he doesn't get into the military. I personally have never served, but I at least have enough experience to know we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. It's okay to express your opinion, but trying to prove that someone with tons more experience than you is wrong, is just stupid. Shut up and read what these guys have to say, and if you disagree, do it with respect and with at least a little indication that you don't think you know everything.

And from an outsiders point of view, you did sound like you were about to cry.

It's also an aspect of credibility. Making claims about experience without a legit back-up screams of arrogance. IR lacks credibilty, plain and simple. Because of that, he definitely comes across as a whining, know it all college type. Most of us have college background so that's not an ace in the hole. Granted some of us have been ourt for a while, we still share a similar background.


A universal, irrefutable law: don't argue with children nor try to reason with childishness. It's a dry hole ....


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
RockyMtnNFO said:
CAn't we all just agree that the H&K USP is a sweet weapon?

Ya boy!! Was supposed to go shoot one this morning but I got a call from a sick kid at school. I hate it when parenting gets in the way of shooting things. ;)


Hangar Four
IRfly said:
Alright, alright...I give up. We'll let General Franks off the hook. And President Bush. And, while we're at it, everyone else...Nothing is anybody's fault. This country finds itself currently more screwed than at any other point in recent history, but that's just the result of the buffetings of history against which we helplessly thrash.

So why do you want to join the military then?


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
wink said:
If you are luck (lucky to be slected for NFO) when you get winged and into the RAG things will likely look much better for the whole region.

Awww, come on man, don't say that :( I didn't join the Navy just to find out that after all the VT and RAG stuff, there won't be anyone left to kill...


Supply Officer
bunk22 said:
The alternative theory is off the mark, plain and simple.
Is another reason possible? Sure. Is it likely, IMO...no

Well at least it would now appear that you have considered an alternative reason...

Bunk - you concentrate on brushing us off for 'whining' and 'crying' because you seem to enjoy attacking the person instead of the position. I must have missed how that is a successful leadership style...

But I digress - should have let this thread die....


RockyMtnNFO said:
CAn't we all just agree that the H&K USP is a sweet weapon?
Yes, we can .... the H&K P7M8 is better, however. Still, your heart is in the right place ......... :)

..... How's that for "German Aid" ????


Super *********
Super Moderator
snizo said:
Well at least it would now appear that you have considered an alternative reason....

My reasoning has never changed, an alternate reason was always possible, simply not probable in this case.

snizo said:
Bunk - you concentrate on brushing us off for 'whining' and 'crying' because you seem to enjoy attacking the person instead of the position. I must have missed how that is a successful leadership style.....

Do I sense more sniffling? The leadership style is simple, it's Bunky's style :icon_smil

snizo said:
But I digress - should have let this thread die....

You probably should. Not going to win this one against me.
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